project hybrid | Teen Ink

project hybrid

May 19, 2016
By TheDragonofUniverses BRONZE, Springville, Utah
TheDragonofUniverses BRONZE, Springville, Utah
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It was a routine assignment. Dive in, activate the S.A.Ms, and call in the shuttle to get out of there. Bridget’s squad did the first two of those things, but then they saw a group of bugs approaching. “Get down, that way they won’t see you that easily.” Their commander, Yuri, said. “If they see you, then get up and don’t just start blasting, for heaven's sake, save your ammo and only shoot one bullet per bug.” all four Helldivers hit the dirt, and crawled behind a large rock. Bridget looked over the rock, and watched the bugs crawl across the dunes. Looking at the horizon, some movement caught her eye, and she saw what looked like… it couldn't be… “Cyborgs!” she yelled accidentally. “What?” John asked. “Oops,” Bridget said. “I think I alerted every single bug within a three mile radius…”

“No bug leaves alive!” Yuri shouted as he started firing at the bugs erupting out of the ground. I feel like my warning has been completely ignored. Bridget thought as she threw a grenade. What are the cyborgs doing here? Their rebellion has only been against Super Earth, yet here they are in bug territory.  She was bothered by these questions even when the shuttle picked them up and flew away.Don’t ask me about it. Don’t ask me about it. “Bridget, that was actually quite interesting, but your answer should much more so.” Darn it. “Listen,  you're the cyborg peacekeeper, You should know all about their actions!” Bridget shot back. “I believe Bridget.” An illuminate negotiator, Maya, said. “Cyborgs have also been spotted in illuminate territory.”
“and she would know!” said Bridget. “I myself am a bug ecologist! And there have been multiple sightings of cyborgs in bug-infested areas!” 
“But why would they be doing that?” John said. He was not any of the specialists, but he was strategically effective.
“That’s what we're trying to find out!” Bridget yelled, barely refraining from punching him in the face. “Try to keep up, okay?”
Just then, the door to the shuttle opened, and the four walked out. “We need to find out what the cyborgs are up to.” Yuri said as they got on the bridge. “That desert planet there, it looks like the perfect place to put an advance base against the bugs, we should head to it, find what the heck is going on over there, and stop it if possible. Any questions?”
“Yeah, haven't we intercepted several cyborg messages with the phrase ‘Project Hybrid’ on them?” Maya asked. “Yes, anyone else?” said Yuri
“I take that as a no. Professor Orekeep?”
“Yes?” a woman studying a bug claw looked up. “Can you prepare your equipment while we are on this mission?”
“Sure” Orekeep walked off. Yuri turned to them. “Alrighty then, we'll be there near the farther half of the planet, so the mission will be during sunset. Be careful of casting long shadows, we have a bunker near where we will be landing, so we will be bringing black boxes with information that fallen Helldivers failed to bring to the bunker. To make the planet safer for other troops, we will also be taking care of UXOs-AKA unexploded ordnances-in several areas. Any questions?”
“Yeah,” said Bridget. “It seems that we will be facing intense cyborg resistance, that is, is the planet is half as important that we think it is. Do you think-”
“Wait!” Maya interrupted. “How about we bring those mechs the cannons on them?”
“Why?” asked john. “Oh, I get it now,” Bridget said. “If there is heavy resistance, there will probably be enemies with heavy armor! I have seen troops learn the hard way that normal fire does not work on enemies like that. The cannons on that mech allow it to take heavy enemies down, while it is still available during emergencies! Maya, you're a genius!” Maya smiled, Bridget sometimes had trouble putting the ruthlessly effective strategist with this girl on board this ship. A voice came over the intercom, “Mission commencing, crew to stations, I repeat, crew to stations.” all four Helldivers selected their gear, got into the Hellpods, and felt the jarring sensation of getting launched into what could be their end. Dropping took a long time, even at supersonic speeds. What was scary was that you did not know when you would land. She decided to check on her teammates. “Commander Yuri, have you landed yet?” the crackling reply came, “yes, I am waiting on the others”
“OK, I am coming in no- OOF!” the jarring impact nearly made her pass out. In fact, that was what happened when she first landed on her first mission. When she woke up, she saw that there were twelve bugs staring right at her! But this time, she maintained consciousness. She got out of the pod to see that yuri already had a “guard dog” drone, that followed their “master” and would gun down any enemies that came near. Unlike the “angel” drones that would heal you whenever you got hurt.
Bridget turned around to see that Maya and John came down. They were already out, and quite dazed. “Well,” Maya said, “that was certainly interesting. I never knew that John had ever swore.”
“No I did not!” shot back John. “I was merely venting about what the ^$#%@s the cyborgs are.”
“Save the language for insulting the cyborgs” Yuri was looking like he would shoot all of them in the face. “We’re gonna go as soon as the lumberers arrive.”
The lumberers came, but so did the patrols. They had a lucky break when somehow the mech came in and squashed the whole first patrol, but they just became more and more numerous as went through taking care of the objectives, it became more and more difficult to take care of patrols. “My mech is starting to smell bad.” john complained after a particularly intense skirmish. They abandoned the mechs and brought in “hammer” motorcycles. Yuri and John in one, Bridget and Maya in the other. The sidecar had a machine gun, so they weren't completely defenceless, but then they were spotted. Maya couldn't kill the “Squadleader” cyborg before he launched a flare into the air. Cyborgs came from the sky and started firing at them. The upside to all of this was you could blindly fire and you would most likely hit something. “There are too many of them!” bridget shouted as she plowed over a cyborg initiate. “We need to get out of here! Is there anything else we need to do on this planet commander!?” after a pause, Yuri replied: “no, we need to get to the extra- holy son of a dirty...” At first, bridget didn't see what Yuri saw, until she looked behind her. There, erupting from the ground, was a swarm of bugs! There was thousands of them, with snapping mandibles, slashing claws, and swirling tentacles, but these were not the most grotesque features, for the most disgusting part of them was the metallic bits all over them. There was a stalker with a cannon for an arm, a scout with a machine gun attached to its back, a behemoth with a tank turret on its back, even a bug that looked like it was just a hunk of metal. “I think it would be a good time to retreat right about now.” Bridget called over to Yuri. “I, personally, am done with this planet.”
“Yeah, that would be a good idea,” Yuri replied. “But we still- wait, we just did that… so, let's get the %@#$ out of here!” they maneuvered through the bug-robot-monstrosities and shot the ones that they couldn't smash to a pulp. When they got to the beacon, Bridget ran up and activated it. “There, now we just have to survive for ninety seconds, and then we get into the dropship and we are out of here!” immediately after that, she felt a horrible pain on the back of the head and everything went black.
When Bridget regained consciousness, she was in the shuttle going back to the orbiting ship. The others told her that she took a claw to the back of the head. “We killed the bug before it could finish you off.”
“Those bug-robot hybrids-” Bridget stopped a bit as the puzzle pieces came together.     
“ - wait- hybrids… Hybrids!!! That was project Hybrid!!!” The others looked surprised.  Then Maya suddenly knew. “That’s what the cyborgs were working on! If they succeed on the illuminates too, that would mean that they would be using the powers of all three of super earth’s enemies! And if they succeed…”
“Then the cyborgs would be unstoppable.” Yuri finished. “This cannot be overlooked. We need to stop them. No one else will believe us. We are alone in this battle, but that does not mean that we are weak.” Bridget knew that, and she knew they could do this, and she cried, “How about a nice cup of liber-tea!”


The author's comments:

Fan Fiction Based on
Helldivers by Johan Pilestedt, Emil Englund, Malin Hedström, Anton Stenmark, & Robin Cederholm

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