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Carey Me Home

June 4, 2015
By Ethan Haas BRONZE, Coronado, California
Ethan Haas BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Boom, I hear over and over again, before finally my eyes slowly start to flutter open, much like when a moth opens a cocoon. I try to move my arms, but they feel like that don’t even exist. I try to wake my arms up and then they start to slowly start to flail about the room, as I try to hit my alarm clock that seems miles from me. After about 25 seconds of hopelessness I finally hit the alarm turning off the horrible noise. I can feel a sticky piece of yellow paper. I grab it, but it falls onto my nose. My eyes become cross eyed as I try to read it. It reads “Good Luck today!!!! My little boy is finally getting the recognition he deserves. I bet Bob Barker will look great from up close!!! Love you Honey” -Mom. So, naturally I thought my mom is great. Next, I thought about her wonderful cookies. Then, I wonder how she got in here without me noticing. Until finally it hit me like a wrecking ball into a old building. I’m going onto the Price is Right!!!! I look at the at time it reads 9:45. I jump out of bed and run into my apartment’s bathroom, to see my fat white roommate sitting in the living room, watching football.
He yells “TOUCHDOWN!!!!” 
I yell back,“Hey, today’s the day. It’s the Price is Right.”
He responds with a firm “Oh yeah that’s today huh? I had that on my apple calendar.”
I just bolted out the door. I hopped in my car, and drove. I reached into my glove compartment and found the CD I had made weeks before this so I would be the talk of town. I rolled down my window as a casually turned on my radio, only to be embarrassed by the fact that Boyfriend started to blare. I like Justin Bieber just as much as the next guy, but that’s not what I’d call a way to make a first impression. I pull into CBS Studios, a little bit earlier then I had budgeted into my drive. So, I pulled out my secret weapon (to tell you the truth, it wasn’t my idea, i just searched in google, best way to win the Price is Right, and I copied it) my notecards. I would know every price. I had watched Bob Barker all my life preparing for this moment. Ask me how much a microwave oven is…. easy 499.95. I’m going to nail this.
As I pull into the studio, I meet a very baffling man. He’s about 5 foot 7 weighs maybe 235, very muscular, bald, and super white. As he’s about to utter some words, I zone out to think about how big of a break this is going to be. You always dream of becoming a movie star, and living the life of driving expensive car, next to girls who will do anything to sleep with you. That plan has hit a few road bumps here and there. I’ve only had a few acting gigs since getting here a couple months ago, but when I got the call from my agent to do this. I knew this was a great opportunity, to win some money and be on TV. It would be my greatness role so far. Then, suddenly I got back to reality I was sitting in a seat in the studio. I look forward and see Bob Barker, getting prepared at least half a dozen people applying makeup to him.
“How did I get here?” I mumble under my breath.
The man next to me, says “You’re here for your big break, silly head.”
“Ha ha, wait how did you know that?”
Then Bob Barker takes a manly step forward and with his very noticeable voice he says “Welcome to the Price is Right”
My hands start to prefuse at an extreme rate. I know, this was my moment but I just couldn’t gain enough strength to even look up. I just keep staring at my nametag. Wondering when my time comes and almost immediately I hear this:
“Jack Bowers come on down!!!!” Bob Barker yells into the abyss of cameras.
I stand up and start to run. I felt as though the camera’s couldn’t follow me. I felt like the Flash, moving up to the stage I arrived to the stage, where I meet him. There are two other people already on the stage. A women, who kinda looks like a combo of Britney Spears and Harry Styles. She reminded me of an ex girlfriend, which immediately made me nervous. and a man, looked exactly like the security guard at the front gate.
“Wow this is going to be easy”. I say to myself over and over until my armpits begin to show my wet and wild side.
Bob Barker delivers the opening line.
“Welcome to the Price is Right. This is America's favorite game show. I sure know it’s mine. We have three great candidates today. We have Jack!!!”
People began to clap. It felt so good. It made me remember why I decided to skip law school to move to LA.
Bob Barker says, “Our first game today is Over and Under. You say if the product is over or under the ticket price. A 2015 Tesla cost 75,000. Over or Under?”
He says directly to me. I budge and say over, and I receive the worst news
I break into tears as a giant hook pulls me straight off the stage. I am pushed out of the studio.  I slowly walk out of the room with disappointment on my face, as I step into my car. I turn my head to reach for my keys. I just drive home in saddest. I can feel the tears roll down my face as I realize how close I was. I was beginning to feel inspired.
I say to myself “I guess you can’t become rich in one day.”
Everything then goes black. I can’t see. Was it the tears? Did that guy drug me? Then I see a bright light. It takes some time for my eyes to adjust. Finally I can make out a shape. It’s the CBS building.
I hear a “Sir, sir, are you okay?”
I look over it’s the security guard.
He says “You were zoning out for like a solid minute. Are you okay?”
I say “Yeah I’m fine. Thank you though.”
“I can call someone at CBS anything for you Drew”
“I’m good!!!”
I go inside and walk into the floor of the Price is Right. It feels good. I remember the days when I would watch this show, and even the one time I went on this show. You learn something every experience you ever have. I learned that the hard way. But, now I, Drew Carey, host the Price Is Right.  

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I thought of the pun for the title, and I just kept writing it. Making it a whole short story. 

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MrClutch said...
on Jun. 17 2015 at 1:26 am
Wow this is amazing!!! I love this. It's so clever and well worded.