Preview For Hidden | Teen Ink

Preview For Hidden

March 16, 2015
By stormyarrow BRONZE, Park City, Utah
stormyarrow BRONZE, Park City, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." -Les Brown

From death threats to physical violence, Tris can't seem to stop herself from hurting others. But it's not on purpose, OH NO. She would never do these things in her right state of mind, but with the writer practically shoving words in her mouth and breathing down her neck it has become quite hard for her to think at all anymore.

The girl rushes away from me in tears as the guilt consumes me like poison. I feel like I am going to be sick. What have I done? These letters are just paper, but I feel as if the writer is honest in saying that my family will be hurt if I don’t continue. I have probably just wrecked this girl's life by telling her that her parents' death is her fault. “You deserve to die, kill yourself.” I had said to her. God, what is wrong with me! Looking down over the chasm I let one tear fall before regaining my balance. If this is what it takes to keep my family safe, than I will just have to suck it up… I guess.

Tobias enters the apartment early in the morning from a night shift in the control room, expecting to find his beautiful girlfriend asleep in the bedroom, only to see broken glass everywhere. In the middle of the living room lies thousands of colored glass shards from a vase that was once on a small table. Many of the shards covered in dark, thick, fresh blood. Taking a small step into the rest of the apartment, He can see a large path of destruction around the house, either Tris had lost something, or someone was here that wasn't suppose to be. The small sliver or hope melts away when he spots the small letter on the floor, addressed to him. Crushing the glass beneath his feet, he picks up the paper. Before he has the chance to open it, a dark figure appears behind him and mutters "Surprise" just as everything goes black.

The author's comments:

This is a preview to a story that I have been holding back on writing for a while now, I have never written something so dark and “explicit” before. I know many of you would never in your right mind say that this is as dark as I find it, but you have never met me. I am one of the happiest people you would ever find, yet here I am creating this monstrosity of a novel. I hope that as readers you can derive some kind of meaning from this, but it is honestly just something that I want to be on the darker end of some of the rated T divergent fanfic’s out there. Maybe it can inspire other writers to take a risk and step out of there comfort zone.

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