Summer Dream | Teen Ink

Summer Dream

September 27, 2023
By 4federighe SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4federighe SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was outside on  a hot, sunny, windy day in Los Angeles California. I just got back from the coca cola factory and bedtime was soon upon me. Crash!! Everything went gray, I slept as hard as Abraham Lincoln in his grave, I was out like a light. “Hola como te llamas”, says my friend Grace, as we entered the adidas store 725 miles away from my home. As the dream continued crazier things kept happening, a light flashed and out of nowhere popped out  my favorite singer and actor Toby Keith and Leo Di Caprio, we talked, and exchanged phone numbers so we can talk whenever I want to. I told my friend and he said, “cool stuff bro”, I don’t think he cared.

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