I Spy a Deer | Teen Ink

I Spy a Deer

May 16, 2018
By MaryP. SILVER, Holland, Iowa
MaryP. SILVER, Holland, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Christobell is dead. She doesn’t know that because she doesn’t remember dying. She’s only six years old so she doesn’t notice things like that. She still has an overactive imagination which causes her to think that everything she sees is just the cause of her wanting it to be that way. Sometimes she gets scared because she doesn’t think that she’s in control. She’s right about that. She’s not in control.
One year ago

“Moooom play my favorite music!” Christobell whined incessantly.

She and her parents were on their way to her grandparent’s house for Thanksgiving, a very long three-hour drive.

“For the last time Christobell, we left that at home! Stop whining please, I’m trying to focus.”

Christobell’s father chuckled and looked at Christobell, “Your mother’s right sweetheart. It’s snowing and your mother really shouldn’t be bothered right now. Do you want to play a game? Maybe that would be fun.”

Christobell’s face broke into a huge grin. Her father played the best games with her.

“Yes, yes, yes! What do we play this time?”, she asked whilst bouncing in her seat.

“Hmm...How about ISpy?”

*Gasp* “YEAH! That’s my favoritest game ever!”

“Alright, I’ll start.” said Christobell’s father, “I spy, with my little eye.....something white.”

“Oh that one’s easy! It’s snow!” Christobell said, giggling with joy, “Now my turn, my turn! I spy with my little eye, something brown.”

“Brown? Is it the trees?”

“Nope! Guess again!”

“Is it a......Oh my God Honey, WATCH OUT FOR THE DEER!”

By the time Christobell’s father had yelled the warning, it was too late. The deer was too close and Christobell’s mother couldn’t avoid it. The snow was too slippery and their car ended up skidding off of the road and rolling in the ditch. Christobell was knocked out while the car was rolling.

Sometime later that day

All Christobell could see was darkness. She was cold. She slowly gained control of her body and opened her eyes. Everything had a blue hue to it and seemed to be moving a little slower than usual.

“Mommy, daddy, where are you?”, she said as she slowly sat up.

She couldn’t see her parents anywhere, or anything familiar. All she could see was rocky terrain as far as the eye could see. There were clouds covering the sun, but it was still nice out. She started to get scared and she could feel her eyes watering. She had no idea what she was supposed to do or where she was supposed to go.

Christobell stayed in the same spot crying for the next couple hours until she couldn’t cry anymore. She finally decided that she should try to find her parents so she stood up and started walking.

As she was walking, she started singing to herself to calm her nerves.

“The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all the way home.”

She finally saw something in the distance after having walked for an hour and she picked up her pace so she would get there sooner.

As Christobell got closer she saw that it was a little campsite. There was a tent, a fire pit hosting a little fire, a couple lawn chairs, and firewood. She couldn’t see anybody around, so she walked up to the tent.

“Hello?” she called out. “Mommy, daddy, are you there?”

There was no response. She sat down in a chair next to the fire and tried to warm up. Before she knew it, she was fast asleep.

When Christobell woke up, she had no idea where she was. It was pitch black and she felt like she was being jostled around. Suddenly, it was very bright and her eyes had to take a minute to adjust.

“Hello?” Christobell asked.

She gasped when someone walked into her line of sight. She couldn’t focus on the form for some reason. Whenever she tried to focus on it, it just got blurrier.

It spoke in a raspy whisper that Christobell had to strain to hear, “Hello young Christobell. Why don’t you come with me? I can take you to your parents.”

“You can take me to my mommy and daddy?!” Christobell stood up and stepped closer to the being.

Suddenly, the being extended what would be it’s arms and darkness started to seep out of it’s hands. Christobell realized with terror that she couldn’t move.

“Don’t fret little one, you’ll be with your parents very soon.”

The last thing Christobell did before everything went dark was to let out a blood-curdling scream and the darkness enveloped her.

The End

The author's comments:

I really didn't know where this story was going to go. We had to make up a character with a partner(s) in Creative Writing and Christobell was what my partner and I came up with. She was pretty sad compared to everyone else's characters. When I started writing this story, I had no idea that it would end up being so sad and dark. 

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