Uncommon Recipe | Teen Ink

Uncommon Recipe

May 24, 2018
By lucky23 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
lucky23 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A single car with a sunroof
8 galaxies of laughter
A bin of 90’s CD’s
A flurry of soft smiles and rosy cheeks
2 moonbeans of cotton candy ice cream
A heartbeat of blankets
1 smile of a patch of shoreside grass

First, take a car ride through your favorite part of town and be sure to have the sunroof completely opened, letting the warm wind mess up your hair. Next, add eight galaxies of laughter along with a bin of 90’s CD’s- these ingredients should combine well. After this is combined, add a flurry of soft smiles and rosy cheeks- this is sometimes forgotten but it’s what makes the recipe complete! Next, combine two moonbeans of cotton candy ice cream and stir until creamy. Lastly, intensify the flavors by adding a heartbeat of blankets and one smile of a patch of shoreside grass. This recipe will ensure a pleasant evening.

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