Recipe for an A in Math | Teen Ink

Recipe for an A in Math

May 24, 2018
By SugarSprinkle PLATINUM, Ann Arbor, Michigan
SugarSprinkle PLATINUM, Ann Arbor, Michigan
25 articles 0 photos 1 comment

- 1 dollop of enthusiasm
- 4 teaspoons of silly mistakes
- 9 tablespoons of effort to fix them
- 16 pocketfuls of practice
- 25 mastered perfect squares
- 36 mL star student potion (see notes for recipe summary)
- 64 memorized equations

1. Add the dollop of enthusiasm to a small saucepan. Stir slowly for 5 minutes on medium heat until warm and slightly golden.
2. In a separate bowl, combine the silly mistakes and the efforts to fix them. The resultant mixture should appear similar to the texture of improving grades.
3. Add the heated enthusiasm to the previous mixture and fold to combine until the consistency is smooth and soft.
4. Dust the pocketfuls of practice, 1 handful at a time, onto the mixture, stirring to combine with each addition.
5. Add the mastered perfect squares. Make sure they are well-blended into a fine powder. If not, sift them and then add to the previous mixture. A dryly-textured dough should result.
6. Add exactly 36 mL of the star student potion. The dough should become easily workable.
7. Sprinkle the 64 memorized equations into the dough. Work the dough with your hands to combine them evenly.
8. Shape the dough into a spherical loaf. Place it onto a greased pan and bake for 30 minutes at 180°C.
9. Consume warm. Results will occur within 7 days.

Star Student Potion Recipe
Carefully add 3 aced tests, an ocean of smiles, and a portion of curiosity to a medium mixing bowl. Thoroughly combine with a sharpened pencil. Sprinkle freshly grated perseverance until a yellow hue is achieved.

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