Screaming Fire | Teen Ink

Screaming Fire

May 9, 2018
By KaylaBuck SILVER, Lexington, Kentucky
KaylaBuck SILVER, Lexington, Kentucky
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His window frame looked like poorly cut cardboard like he took his red, elementary-school scissors and started cutting, but halfway through decided brute force would make a better opening. His battered fingers brushed over the rim; feeling each gap in the cardboard's surface and watching as the little loose pieces dropped by his feet.

When he looked outside, it was dark at first. He was waiting for something to show up in front of him. Soon, he saw the outline of something, a shadow in the darkness. It looked like a head at first, but then it seemed to look more like a car--his car, the beat up old hot rod he parked on the street.

He kept waiting because he knew there had to be something more than that outside. He started tapping on the window sill, listening carefully to that thudding noise. He may have expected a bird, or something, anything, to make itself known, and he thought it would be the dull thudding of his fingers that would get the job completed.

The longer he stood there, staring into the night, he began to wonder if he was awake because there was no way that darkness could be human, real, authentic. He tried to rub his eyes and wake up, but he was awake. But when he opened his eyes, he saw a light. He peeked his head through the window as if him being more outside would brighten up the area. To his surprise, it did.

Through the darkness, he saw that light moving down the street, passing his car in jagged lines. It seemed to swoop closer and closer to the window before shying away. When the light stumbled close enough to his window, he saw that it wasn’t a single light, but rather two reflections from the sun in his room glaring off of something, some animal.

He stopped his thudding, and the creature stopped moving. He turned the light off in his room, and when his eyes adjusted, he could see the beast just outside his window. It had two yellow fangs that stuck out of its upper jaw and overlapped its soft looking fur. It had long whiskers that jutted out, far, from its cheeks. It’s eyes, though--they reflected the light of his room even after he turned the light off as if they just glowed on their own. He watched the oval pupils in the animal's eyes shrink into tiny slivers, and its whiskers furrow and more fang-like teeth made their existence known.

With a loud snarl, the outside became light again.

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