My Precious Gift | Teen Ink

My Precious Gift

March 7, 2018
By amccoy.2021 BRONZE, Defiance , Ohio
amccoy.2021 BRONZE, Defiance , Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was six years old when we first received Cocoa. We went all the way to Columbus, and from then on we had her for eight years. Cocoa was the best gift I could ever received. Still to this day she will always be my favorite gift. Cocoa was the color of fresh peanut butter a light brown the color of old books. Her hair was rough yet so soft and cuddly. Cocoa was a Cane Corso Mastiff. She was super overprotective but loved almost everyone. When I would go to bed, she would go to bed. I would say, “Bedtime, let’s get in bed.” She would come with me. She also loved eating.

No gift could ever compare to the precious gift of love of a dog. One reason I received Cocoa was because my dad sold my other dog Princess whom I adored dearly.

“Can we get a puppy?“ I said to my dad. He replied,

“No, but we will get a new dog soon.” I was very thankful this day happened. There were days everyone would think she couldn’t hear because she wouldn’t listen, but there were those days she heard perfectly fine.
I could never leave for long periods of time. She was way too important to me. We would always say, “Go lay down!” and she would for five minutes. Then she would be back in our face.
I personally think she was annoying like a baby puppy with its mom. At times when she wouldn’t get enough love, she would bother us and pester us. There would be days she’d be super tired, and we would have to yell, “Soco come here,” or also we would have to go to her and lay down with her because she didn’t want to do anything that day.

Overprotective is an understatement. She loved most of my family, others not so much, and strangers she hated but she was not a vicious dog. Normally when people came over, we would tell her, “Put your hair down. You know him.”

Most of the time she would listen but there were her bad days. There was also that one person she did not like who was Zac, my uncle. She never liked him until she was older.

Obviously, she was my dog but more a sister I never had. I would always tell everyone, “She is my dog no one else's.”

Everyone would have to just agree even though my parents already agreed with me. I have never been so in love with any dog until she came in my life, and she helped me very much she was there for me when no one else was.

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