Constrasting Worlds | Teen Ink

Constrasting Worlds

November 2, 2017
By Anonymous

In one world I wake up to the honk of a taxi coming from the busy streets below my apartment. Sitting on the 20th floor I look outside to see the hundreds of people already rushing about their day. These are people I have never seen before, and people I have never even thought about before. A city full of crowded streets with people all chattering in different languages. It seems like the people never stop coming and when I leave my building to join them, their energy is contagious. The feeling is matched by nothing. It is the excitement you feel waking up on Christmas morning; the people are like beautiful birds all going different different directions. It is the beauty of controlled chaos.
Throughout the day the energy of the city never wavers. And when the night comes it’s the same. Lying in bed, I think about how lucky I am to be here. The shining light from the city pours is stilling pouring into my bedroom and reminds me that the excitement in the city truly never ends. And I know the next day I’ll be able to live through this all again.
But, in a different world I wake up to the sounds of seagulls cawing at my window. When I peek outside, I see the waves crashing down on the sand with the sun peeking out behind the ocean. I can't help but smiling as the birds soar around the sky in perfect harmony. When I step outside barefoot I can feel the sand between my toes. I breathe in the freshness of the air. There’s a slight breeze blowing through my hair. I feel the faint mist of water coming from the ocean, which is just feet in front of me. The peacefulness of mornings on the beach makes waking up early worth it. Every morning it feels like you get to see the world before it truly wakes up. Nothing else in the whole world is like it. The magnificence of the beach doesn’t end in the morning. The day is no different. With small groups of people wandering onto the shore for the same reasons you have: to enjoy the beauty of the day. It’s full of relaxing energy from the warmth of the sun, coolness of the water, and calmness of all the people around you.
The beach compared to the city. They are so different in every single way possible. Yet, they are both so perfect in every single way possible. How could one, single person feel at home in two utter and completely different atmospheres? One place is the dictionary definition of hustle and bustle. Who could walk away from the constant energy and the feeling of being alive that only the city can bring? But, who could walk away from the pureness and constant relaxation that only the beach can bring? Which one to choose? Which place is better? I, and the rest of the world, will truly never know.

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