Never knew | Teen Ink

Never knew

May 12, 2017
By princessT123456 BRONZE, Fairfield, Ohio
princessT123456 BRONZE, Fairfield, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Never Knew

Last night I realized that the police was looking for me: the disgusting person they had been searching for. I knew there was something suspicious about the black van that always would appear around me anywhere I was. There was two men dressed in black suits with hats made from leather and shoes to match. I’ve never really noticed them until the day I did something very horrible to the people I loved….love. I didn’t mean it, I never meant for it to end this way. After it happened, I changed my hair, my clothes, and my whole look. That didn’t work the men were still after me, because they knew what I had done. It was an early morning I was getting ready for school until my mom came into my room and told me the most DISTURBING news I have ever heard! She said that we were moving from our home town and not coming back just because of her “new boyfriend Jerry” that she think loves her, but really doesn’t. I saw him with another woman on the corner rubbing their faces together like they were two puppies just meeting , and trying to figure out who’s going to sniffs who’s butt, but I didn’t say anything I just kept quiet I didn’t want to see my mom hurt anymore. Although I knew my mom was happy, I couldn’t stand to lose a home I’ve grown up in since I was born, so I handled it. That morning I left out the house and told my mom I was going to school but instead I found Jerry sleep in his car from being drunk the night before as always. The keys were still in the ignition so I started the car and put it in drive sending Jerry down a hill into the lake at the dead end. He didn’t wake up, and I didn’t pay no mind to the sinking car down the street at 6:30 in the morning. Later that morning I went to school happy as could be knowing that we weren’t going to move because the person who put those evil thoughts in my mom head was gone. If only I knew that it would’ve came back to haunt me in the next two weeks. My mom kept worrying, asking, panicking and stressing about the no good dead beat man that was no good for her in the first place, that she set out a missing person search with the police; after Jerry was gone for a whole week. I didn’t understand nor did I care about him being gone, but the fact of the police coming to our house three times a week or even two times a day bothered me. So far I’ve been going to school and living my life as normal as possible, but my mom she hasn’t been so good. I feel bad for putting her through this situation the feeling that is in my heart is very painful and the thoughts in my head are even worse knowing I made my mom feel this way. The next morning the police was knocking at our door for what seems like 20 minutes straight. My mom was the one who got up and answered it of course I really didn’t want them in our house, but for some odd reason I was really nervous. The big tall skinny cop named Mr. Hobbit started questioning my mom about Jerrys whereabouts and asking was he at our house the day of his disappearance. My mom could barely answer, since she was so emotional so they came to me. They asked did I like him or did I know where he could have gone, I said no and that I wasn’t really fond of him. The other short stubby cop Mr. Clamp told me that he knew I was upset and that it’s going to be alright. At that moment my heart started to beat so I just played along with what he was saying until he stopped talking to me. A few weeks went by and I wasn’t nervous anymore it seemed as though the police had given up on the search for Jerry. My mom was getting better I guess the reality got through her head that Jerry was never coming back. Every now and then I think about what I had done and if It was a good idea or if karma would come back to get me, after those thoughts go away I’m back to normal and living my life how I loved it to be. My new hair and the way I dressed was interesting I didn’t really like it, but I’m staying this way just in case the police ever go back into Jerry case. I was glad my life was back to normal even though my mom really wasn’t, but the bright side is no one never knew.

The author's comments:

This is an realistic fiction piece.

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