Imagination of a Child | Teen Ink

Imagination of a Child

April 11, 2017
By IWarren4 BRONZE, Hemet, California
IWarren4 BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The last time we talked you told me how you wished you could grow up and fly to the moon. You described the pink stars that would scatter the space like paint sprinkled across a canvas and friendly purple aliens who only had one eye. A smile danced across your blueberry stained lips as each word slipped from your mouth without a care and unrehearsed.
You sounded such like a child and this was because you were. A carefree, stubborn, unaware, loving child. You were unaware of the world's troubles, stubborn that you would become what you wanted to be. Your innocent heart couldn’t comprehend bad and your carefree mind took hold of you actions.
You were my bestfriend and I yours. You told me your secrets and I listened, pinky promising to never tell anyone. When the thunder shook the house and the lightning casted distorted shadows across your room, I was there to keep you safe. We played games till bed, only to wake and start again. Everyday was an adventure, the next more daring and exciting as before.
Until the day you woke not with the same delicate smile that graced your lips as everyday before, but a deep frown. I asked you what was wrong, but you didn't seem to hear me. Maybe I wasn't loud enough. So I tried again. And again. And again. Yet, it seemed my words sounded in a void. I reached for your hands, but your fingers slipped right through mine. Determined, I reached again and again, I was left in despair and confusion. I yelled your name more and more, pleading for you to hear my cry.
It was when I looked into your eyes I knew each attempt to gain your attention would be in vain. Those eyes that crinkled when you laughed and shined when you smiled were gone. A dull, heavy, and hollow void in its place. You were gone. Lost in the world of gloom.
That was just the beginning. Id wake to find you with sunken rheumy eyes some days and others just sunken. You’d stand in front of the mirror after school and grab at your skin, a scowl of disgust painted on your face. Tears burrowed into your pillow at night, sobs roared through your chest.
I'm afraid I don’t have much more time to tell you what I need to, but everyday, for years, I watched the strong determined child you once were be crushed into the dark abyss. I feel myself fading into the abyss along with you. I'm scared, not for myself, but you. I have never cared about what happened to me, I knew my fate, but yours is what terrifies me.
I'm sorry I can’t be around any longer to watch you grow. I must let go as you must. I promise your secrets will always be safe and our adventures will always be ours. Don’t forget if you're scared, I’m always here to protect you.
Your Imaginary Friend

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