Letters to santa | Teen Ink

Letters to santa

February 16, 2017
By Rise101 BRONZE, Richmond, Texas
Rise101 BRONZE, Richmond, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Santa at the mall asked me what do I want for Christmas. All the girl's and boys had there toys. Army men for boys and  Doll houses for the girls.   Do I want  a horse so I can ride around and pretend to be a cowboy? Should I ask for snow , so that I can build a snowman,  put  some coal and some carrots on him and call him frosty? I wasn’t sure what I wanted so I  said the first that that came to mind,  I said dinosaur. Before I could take it back my mom was urging me away. All I really wanted was some coal to prove santa was real.  It was my first time meeting the man in red, so tall , so fat, and to be honest he smelled bad, I wonder if he ate some rotten cookies or drank old milk,  his blue eyes ere welcoming though ,  my mom told me what jolly means... this man just seemed  half asleep . When I told my mom, she said he wasn’t the real Santa... the real  Santa only left the north pole on Christmas eve.  she explained how it all worked. Santa's slay with the magic flying rain deer, how Rudoff led the slay with his shiny nose through foggy nights. She told me I must be good for Santa to visit, she said the real Santa was "the Christmas spirit  in the flesh" so jolly the first time anyone saw him was homless kids and they thanked him with the only thing they had  for the presents,  cookies  and he washed it down with some milk,  it’s a tradition for all the good girls and boys to leave him some milk and cookies  she.  She said she told me all this many times before I just didn’t remember it, I asked her. Why does Santa do all this? She said he does it out of love, he goes all over the world . i asked  questions  ,  what does Santa do  to visit the good boys and girls who live in places with bad grown ups? She said he finds a way son , have faith in him.    how does he keep track of what every boy and girl wants?  doesn’t he  forget? No, now I think Santa would  love Oreos  left out for him. She helped me get a glass and poor some milk and  handed me two Oreos I set them  down on the table brushed my teeth then went off to bed.   I could not sleep, Santa is coming I kept thinking to myself, then I was really thirsty.  I got up to get a glass of water. Then slept maybe an hour and got up to go to the bathroom  , I saw a little mouse mommy threw a shoe at it before I could even get a hold of it the poor thing ran away and momy screamed at it she hasn’t  been very good this year I take back what I said I don’t want a dinosar I want coal to give my mom. Daddy helped me write this letter santa he didn’t change much but he said he would make it readable for you, if you like mr.claws send me  some coal on a dinosar so I can wrap up it and give it to momy for being mean to the mouse  and scaring me so bad I jumped and hit my head on the wall send me a dino  with coal strapd to his back sorry for the mix up...   
its been days sense i wrote to you last time santa  I don’t mean to be bad but can you hurry and send the dinao ? Christmas is tommorrow! Keep in touch tom.
Dear tom thank you  for your letter , it made me laugh. Remember mice can carry  sicknesses. I am sorry I couldn’t reply sooner the elves and I are always busiest this time of year.  yes I do visit the whole world   but I can only give to those who believe in me!  remember that tell your friends about me and keep there hopes up for me.. I checked my list of who's naughty and nice and I see you’ve been a real good boy this year ill see what I can do. Ill get my helpers right on it and see what they can do and a marry Christmas to you Tom  singerly The real man in the red suit.
Hi santa its tom you never told me parents were helpers , dady helped me get coal for momy but because of your letter know I know why I need to leave mice alone mommy is a pretty good mom she doesn’t deserve coal this year even though she scared me my dady helped me , he said he gave  the letter to you personally  christmas came and dady showed up in a dino costume  carrying coal candy that me and momy ate while dady chased us around the yard thank you for making this the best christmas ever and be sure to give dady a reword hes a good dady and helper. Thanks for everything santa your little buddy tom

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It involves santa

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