Political Bearing | Teen Ink

Political Bearing

June 27, 2016
By MadisonP BRONZE, Greenville, Mississippi
MadisonP BRONZE, Greenville, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There's a storm brewing, and from the look on her face, she knows it. Looking around with a frantic stare she tried to memorize her home. Last year she moved into this small French town, here she brought a little townhouse. In this townhouse, she hoped to get married and have children. Little did she know she soon would have to flee with only the memories to keep her company.
Blinking back tears she turned her back on her home, her community, and her friends. Those that choose not to try and escape called Fre a coward, for not trying to survive the new regime. But when she looked in the mirror she saw neither a coward or a trader, she simply saw herself. A thirty-year-old woman living alone, with no husband or kids to protect. She had no reason to fight. Now that she was being forced to flee. She felt that she never had a chance to live and she never would. Prospero, the small French town Fre lived in had elections last week. At the time she barely thought of the elections; it was to her one more thing on an endless lists of things. The race was between a lovely, sometimes miss-guided woman and a wealthy hot-tempered man. The woman won by a land slide, but within the week things started to change. A curfew was placed on all citizens. Work wages were increased only to have taxes increased also. Schools replaced art and PE with Math 2 and English 2. As a result, children studied less and acted out more. Before Fre was 'let go' from her job as a library, a law was created stating all unemployed citizen would either be put in jail or be sold to the highest bidder to cover the cost of life. Unwilling to fall prey to the new government demands Fre decided to flee to her dead grandmother's cabin in Russia.
The storm outside picked up as Fre grabbed the last of her things. The dark of night covered most of her home, but even now she could sense the warmth and safety of her home. With a spine straighter than a board, Fre kept her head up as she began her journey to the airport. There she would board a plane full of outlaws to escape to Russia. As a librarian she knew plot and stories to well to have never seen this coming. The problem wasn't with Fre's intellect, the problem was that Fre was not educated on those to which she gave power.

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