A Miracle | Teen Ink

A Miracle

June 26, 2016
By AndreaL SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
AndreaL SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We were in an island where we had nothing. We got there and started looking for food and try to make a shelter. There was four of us. Andy, John, Zack and me Brandon. We were there for months, we learned to fish, we built a nice shelter with wood and leafs and we also made fire to cook the food. It was comfortable, but we had to go back home. We started making a little boat out of wood, it started out good.
Until one day we saw something in the ocean.
“Andy look” said Zack
“What is that?” Asked Zack
“It looks like a person” said Andy
John and Brandon joined in to try and see what it was.
“We have to go and see if that person is OK” said Brandon
“Brandon, is the person okay?” yelled John from the island
“I don't know, she’s unconscious” replied Brandon
“She?” they all yelled confused.
Brandon then got to the island and the boys helped getting her out. They put her on the floor and waited until she woke up. After minutes later she woke up.
“Hi, my name is Brandon, we saw you in the ocean holding onto a piece of board. How are you feeling?” asked Brandon
She didn’t answered…
“I… I can’t remember” said the girl
“You must’ve hit your head when you fell or something” said Brandon.
A few days later when she was more comfortable with the guys they taught her how to fish and get coconuts from palm trees. They were surprised because she did it perfect the first time she tried to do all of those things. She started cooking things we haven’t eaten before and it was delicious. She still couldn’t remember her name.
“Tell me about your dreams “asked the girl to the guys
“Well I like working on cars, I really want to have my own shop” said Brandon
“I really like working on construction and hope someday I will be the boss” said Andy
“I’m into graphic designs and Photoshop. Hopefully I could have my own place to do all of that “said Zack
“I’m a psychologist, I like helping out people with their problems “said John.
She saw that they were really nice and hard workers. She admired them. They all had dreams of putting shops and having their own business. They just couldn’t afford to accomplish their dreams.
In the middle of the night she started feeling weird, she tried to keep quiet so she wouldn’t wake up the guys. She went directly to the ocean and suddenly she started getting fins… She became a mermaid. In the morning they guys noticed that the girl wasn’t there anymore. They searched and searched and didn’t find her. They went near the beach… They got gold and a boat so they could go back home. Legend says that she appears every time in different islands to help people when they need it the most. She’s a miracle to everyone when she helps them…


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