The Peculiar Tale About The Cow | Teen Ink

The Peculiar Tale About The Cow

June 26, 2016
By BlossomM. PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
BlossomM. PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
20 articles 0 photos 5 comments

     Be careful of the tales you tell for people will listen. I once knew a man who owned a cow with a spot on its rump and a terrible hump. He said, that man, that the cow was magic and if you rubbed that spot the cow would give gold. But that man, that clever little man, he got a coin for every rub on that spot, and when there was no gold from that cow, he said you weren't the one. So all the people in that little, old kingdom, went and rubbed that spot for at least half an hour. This continued for many years to come and that little, old kingdom because right old dumb. You see, people were so focused on rubbing that little spot that they quite forgot how a kingdom was run. Rubbing that little spot was such a grand focus that all education, except for Rub 101, was put out of mind and put out of sight and the little, old kingdom grew exceptionally dull. So finally came the day in this little, old kingdom, that a smart, young girl strode boldly fourth and said, in a very loud voice, that she was the one to gain all the gold! And the people, they scoffed, for what other reaction could ignorance bring, and said she'd never get gold in a lifetime. But that brave young girl rubbed that spot on the rump of the cow with the terrible hump. And from the cow there came a great jangle and from that cow's mouth flowed a fountain of gold! And that clever little man who owned such a cow was as stunned as a frog with a case of bad hiccups! And to this day that smart, young girl never said a word about how she got all that gold nor mastered the art of Rub 101 to gain such a shower of plentiful gold. Yet the very next day that girl was gone and so was the cow with a spot on its rump and a terrible hump. Of all the surprises none were more surprised as the poor kingdom people who'd lost all their gold to rub that spot, for on their doorsteps, in neat little sacks, were their many lost coins, with extra for tax.
     Now, the way I heard this tale that I just told was in a bar from that clever little man. He was quite startled, not to my surprise, and he said he'd never, in all his years, met someone who knew, with such exceptional ease, the mastery of Rub 101.
     So, be careful of the tales you tell to others for they will listen and produce such a uproar that they'll have to create something as quite insane as a course named Rub 101!

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