My Pops in the Past | Teen Ink

My Pops in the Past

February 24, 2009
By wayne davis BRONZE, Cave Junction, Oregon
wayne davis BRONZE, Cave Junction, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was about 7:30am as the blue with white racing stripes 1970 Dodge Challenger rumbled into the parking lot. As he parked it the 16' mag rims shined and the cam of the 440 hemi made my heart skip a beat. Exiting this magnificent piece of shiny art was a six foot white guy with a fro and glasses. This man was feared by all, he was only a junior, but he was the star football player for IV since his freshman year. He was a nice guy until he thought someone was looking at him a little bit weird or had messed with his friends or family. If he heard anyone doing so he would mess him up. [He would do so because he had a lot of pent up anger from being tortured by his older brother and older cousins all his life]. This man was named Randy Davis.
One day in his writing class he had to write a five page essay for his teacher Mr. Morgan. When he turned in his ten page essay, titled 'Chargerman', when it was due, Mr. Morgan was ecstatic how much Randy had written. After reading Randy's essay, Mr. Morgan loved it. However, since Chargerman did some mean things to some of the faculty members of the school, in the essay, Morgan had to let them read it. All of the staff decided that it was inappropriate and threatened to expel Randy. This made Randy full of rage, because, in his mind, he made a quality piece of art. So he went to go get in his car. On his way out of the doors, he saw me looking at him. Instantly, he thought that I had a problem, and strolled over to hand me a butt kicking.
Before he got in arms reach, I explained that I didn't have a problem. I just wanted to hang out with him, because, in the future he would have to change my diapers. He thought that I was trying to make him mad, so he pulled back to punch my face in. Before he let his mighty fist penetrate my cranium, I blurted out a bunch of family secrets. I don't know why, maybe it was out of fear, but it worked. He put down his mighty fist long enough to let me pull out a family photo. He asked me who were the three kids with him and his girlfriend. I explained that he was going to marry his girlfriend, and have a baby girl in 1989. Also that he was going to have another girl in 1991 and me in 1992.he was kind of sketchy at first, but then he gave in and let me go with him.
As we strolled through the parking lot, a teacher asked what we were doing. Randy told me not to look back and just keep walking. When we reached the car, the teacher yelled 'Sorry, Mr. Davis, have a nice day'. He opened his door, then unlocked mine. As I slid into the 1970s genuine leather seats, he told me to buckle up. I did as ordered. We let it warm up for a minute or so, then he through it in reveres and peeled tires backward, we stopped abruptly. Then we were off boiling tires through first, second, (out of the parking lot, onto the road), then third and forth to town. Since we had some money, we went to D.Q. and got some food. That's the story on how I met my dad in high school.

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