Guilty | Teen Ink


May 5, 2016
By AndreaL SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
AndreaL SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Dad please stop hurting mom” I said as I stand there watching him hit her
Honey… Go to your room… I’ll be fine baby” Mom said trying not to cry.
Mom (Linda) is still there helpless and I can’t seem to know what to do, I just went to my room, sit beside the bed and hope this nightmare ends. After a few moments mom comes in with a purple eye and busted lip.
“Kiley, you know what to do, do not tell anyone what happens at home, ok baby? Mom said
“Ok mom” I say
“Ok baby, go to bed now, goodnight” Mom says as she kisses me goodnight with tears running down her eyes
“Goodnight mom” I said
The next morning seems like a normal day at my house, dad (Robert) is at the kitchen table eating, while mom is cooking me breakfast. I sit down in the chair in the left side from dad as mom sits at his right side. I noticed that she tried to cover up the bruises with make up, I could barely see them.
“Hurry up Kiley, you don’t want to miss your bus” Mom says
After finishing eating my toast I went to my room to get my sweater and book bag. Mom then escorts me to the bus stop. The bus gets here mom tells me to take care, I get on and look out the window and I see mom waving good bye. After that, dad is going to work while mom is at home taking care of the house. I got to class and sat down, while the teacher is teaching I can’t pay attention because I think of what dad does to mom.
“Kiley, are you alright?" Asks Mrs. Daniels
Before answering I remembered that I can’t tell anyone what happens at home.
“Yes Mrs. Daniels, I just kind of got confused on what you were just saying” I replied.
“When I finish explaining the rest of the students what you have to do I will come back and help you, ok Kiley?"
“Ok Mrs. Daniels" I said
She comes over and helps me…
“Thank you Mrs. Daniels, I understand it now” I said
“No problem Kiley, if you need help with anything else, don’t hesitate to raise your hand I will come as soon as I can to help you. Mrs. Daniels said
“Ok, thanks Mrs. Daniels”
At the end of the school day, I got on the bus and went home. Mom was waiting to pick me up.
“Mom when is my baby bother (James) going to come back?” I asked as we continued walking
“He should be here in a few more days baby” Mom replied
My baby brother was one year old, my aunt Jenna (mom's sister) had taken him with her so my baby cousin and him could play and have some cousin time. Well that’s what she said. I think there was more then just that... We got home and mom went straight to the kitchen to get my plate ready. I went upstairs to my room to leave my stuff.
"Kiley, honey, come eat, the food is already served, go wash your hands first" Yelled mom
"Ok mom." I said
I got to the kitchen and started eating lasagna, dad didn't get here in a couple more hours. When I finished eating I went to do my homework, mom helped me in somethings I didn't know. At 7:30pm dad came home, he was drunk like usual. He could barely stand, as he approached mom he was unbalanced, it was like he was about to fall. He grabbed her by the hair and started yelling at her
"WHERE IS MY FOOD!" dad yelled
"I'll get on it right away, I just have to microwave it" Mom said trying to keep from crying.
He then left her alone, he ate and went to sit down on the couch and started watching Family Feud It was getting late now, i had to go to bed. At least today wasn't as bad as how it normally is. My mom tuck me in bed and i went to sleep so did she. A few days later, in the afternoon my aunt Jenna came home with my baby brother.
"Hey Jenna, how was my little munchkin?" asked mom
"He was amazing like always." Aunt Jenna replied. But tell me, did he do it again?
"I don't know what you're talking about Jenna." Mom said with a nervous voice
"Like if I didn't know Linda, he hit you again didn't he?" Asked Aunt Jenna
"Yes he did" Mom replied as she looks down on the ground.
"You know you should do something about it. Don't keep quiet, do something , don't wait until something worse happens." Said Aunt Jenna.
"I can't, he's the father of my children"Said mom
"He might be the father of your children, but what he's doing to you is something serious. Please Linda listen to me." Said Jenna
"Ok sister, I'll see what I'll do." Said mom
"Take care Linda, take care of Kiley and James." Said Jenna
"Take care Jenna, I sure will, they're my kids and I love them."
After a while dad came home, my mom was taking care of James and me. I was drawing and baby James was trying to color.
"Finally, this kid is home" Said dad.
"He's your kid, stop saying 'this kid' Robert" Said mom "Kiley, take your brother to your room."
I took my brother to my room and tried to keep him from crying
"He's not my kid Linda, and you know it, you cheated on me. Don't try to deny it" Said dad as he pushes her and picks her up by the neck
"I did not cheat on you Robert, he's your kid, he looks like you. Stop denying your own son." Said mom breathless and trying to gasp for air.
"Whatever Linda" Said dad letting her go.
After they finished talking he left and went to a bar with his friend Joseph.
"You did it again didn't you?" Said Joseph
"She deserved it." Said Robert
"Do you feel like a man when you push her around? Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground? Asked Joseph
Robert looked at him like if he was crazy and drank some more.
"Well let me tell you my friend, one day this world's got to end she will find a new life with someone who treats her better." Said Joseph "Every action in this world will bear a consequence."
"She cheated on me, that kid is not mine." Said Robert
"But you were the one to do it, you cheated on her with Rebecca. "Linda wouldn't cheat on you, that kid looks like you Robert." Said Joseph trying to convince him to stop mistreating her.
He stopped talking and continued drinking. He didn't come home til the next day. A few months later dad still continued hitting her. She was getting tired of it but couldn't leave him, she was afraid. Mom decided to work at a store, she worked everyday and only had the weekends off. A babysitter took care of us, as soon as dad or mom got home she left. One day when dad got home, my brother and I were watching SpongeBob Square Pants. Dad had just started drinking, I knew as soon as he started drinking there was going to be problems. I tried to keep as far way as I could from him. I tried to keep my brother from crying because I knew he would do something to him. Mom came from work, I ran to hug her.
"Hey honey, how were you and your brother today?" Asked mom
"Good mom, and the babysitter was really nice" I said
"That's good baby"Mom said
My brother then started crying. I gave him his favorite toy so he would stop crying but it didn't work.
"MAKE THAT KID SHUT UP!" Yelled dad from the couch.
Mom carried him but he wouldn't stop crying. Dad then got up, took the baby away from mom and started hitting him.
"SHUT UP LINDA" Dad yelled
He pushed her and got hit on the head and was left unconscious. Dad didn't seem to worry if she was okay or not. He still had James with him, he was still crying. Dad put a pillow on his face, I tried to save him, but how could a 7 year old girl take away the pillow from her dad when he was putting his strength to it. James then stopped crying. A few minutes later mom started waking up, I tried to pick her up, as she was waking up she felt light headed and she was putting pressure where she got hurt. Then saw James on the couch not moving or breathing, she went up to him and started crying. Dad had gone to the kitchen to get another bottle of beer, mom went up to him. She snatched the bottle of beer from him and hit him in the head with it leaving him unconscious. She then called the police and he got arrested. Mom was very devastated from my baby brother's death. But she knew she had to keep being strong, she had to take care of me. They got divorced and she was better without him. Aunt Jenna came over as soon as she heard what had happened.
"I don't know why I didn't do this earlier Jenna. Mom said "You were right I should have listened to you earlier."
"I told you Linda; lots of times. Now look at what happened, he killed James your son." Said Jenna
"I know" Mom said while crying.
"Don't you worry now, he will be in jail and for a long time. He won't hurt you or Kiley again" Said Jenna...
Now I'm 18 years old, but I remember this as if it was yesterday, I witnessed my mom get hit by my father multiple of times, I even saw him kill my little brother. I really hate it that I didn't do anything to prevent this, I could have but mom told me not to. This can happen to anyone, even if your mom tells you not to tell anyone, tell your teacher. Your teacher could probably help or convince your mom to do something before its to late. I wonder if I told my teacher about this, or someone, if it would be different now... 

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