Are you a Christian? | Teen Ink

Are you a Christian?

March 30, 2016
By anna7harris BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
anna7harris BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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With God anything is possible.

People say that to be a Christian you have to know everything about the bible right? No, to be a Christian, you need to know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. You know Christians have trials and tribulations too. Yeah, all christians do. No one is perfect, not you, not me. 

On May of 2008 is when i came to really know Christ. I was 8 years old and it was a year after my new parents adopted me and my two brothers. But back on topic, you don't need to judge someone by the way they talk, walk, wear, or look like. Cause one day, God will judge us by our sins. Rememeber when you were little and you blamed your sibling or someone you know for something you did, well that will came back to bite you on judgement day. Im not trying to scare or offend anyone. 

When i was little i did the same things. That is what kids do. 

Just remember who died on the cross on calvary, and ressurected 3 days later. So heres a question for you...


Are you a Christian?

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