Donald Drumpf | Teen Ink

Donald Drumpf

March 8, 2016
By SimranKD. SILVER, Coral Springs, Florida
SimranKD. SILVER, Coral Springs, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Donald Trump. The man who was elected for president fifteen years ago. So many people though he would save our country. So many people thought he’s “make our country great again.” Some would say he succeeded, but those people are rich bastards who are entertained by the fall of the poor, the ill, and the young. For us, Donald Trump has made America into an arena where the rich are the audience, and the poor are the fighters.
    Ever since Donald Trump’s presidency began, America has gone nowhere but downhill. America currently has the most crime and poverty rates in the world. The citizens are attacking each other, the police is non existent, and the government only supports those who have money. Many have tried to escape to Canada, anywhere overseas, and even Mexico. But Trump has kept one promise, he built a wall. This wall does not just border Mexico from the United States, though. This wall blocks every edge of America from the ‘outside’. Of course, our country failed. Goods stopped coming to our country, our military is used only to dominate the citizens of this country, and the government watches us suffer and expects us to be submissive.
    The day this all started was when America’s Great Wall was completed. Similar to everything else he built, the President named it the Trump Wall. That day, he stood in front of America and said the words that changed America for the worst. He claimed it would be a better place. Better without the poor, better without the ill, better without the schools. So he suppressed everyone who wasn’t as capable as he was. He made sure the poor had no rights, he stripped everyone of their freedom, and took the lives of the ill and the homeless. He then proceeded to take the lives of the middle class, but not physically. He took away our homes, our jobs, our rights and freedom, and tore us away from our families. We were forced to fight each other for survival. Nobody helped each other, it was every man for himself.
Some were wondering how to overcome this, how to fight back with everything we had, but we realized we had nothing. The government had all the weapons, so they tried to think of a way to defeat them by being clever. None of us knew how, we were all kids. The elderly were killed thirteen years ago and the others remain in the capital. We had heard of the boys a few years older than us that there was this thing called school, but on the day the wall was built, Donald Trump canceled it, forever.
This left us with no options other than to continue living our current lifestyle. No rights, no freedom, no family, no food, no hospitals, no school. Just fighting.

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