A Spider's Web | Teen Ink

A Spider's Web

February 9, 2016
By mattdelahunt SILVER, Park Rapids, Minnesota
mattdelahunt SILVER, Park Rapids, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I made my way into the forest looking for a spot that sparked my interest. A small area of flattened grass looking over a large open area seemed to taunt me to sit upon it. It was early in the morning, so everything was blanketed by a thin layer of dew. The grass glistened in the sun as the water droplets caught the beams of sunlight sneaking their way through the trees. The grass is tall, nearly a foot and a half. It bends away at the hands of the wind. Even the slightest breeze seemed to shake the grass, making it appear as if it were dancing. The large opening was a dance floor for the wind to have it's effect on the grass. Surrounding this opening were tall trees, pines and deciduous.
Then I noticed some bright reds and yellows, and looked closer. There was a small maple tree right next to me. I don't know how I didn't notice it right away! Although the tree was interesting, I caught myself looking at something far smaller. A spider’s web. It wasn't like any I've seen before. It was a perfectly shaped octagon strung between two branches. I couldn't believe that a simple web could catch my eye so easily, but it did. It reminded me of the grass as there was some dew on it as well. The silk glistened in the sun as the tree would shift, changing the angle of light.
The web not only looked magnificent, but it functioned tremendously well. Wrapped tightly in the silk there was a pair of flies. This made me think that the spiderweb isn't just for beauty, it is an important part in the spider’s survival. Without it, the spider would have a very tough time to get any food. It is also a means of storing leftover food. Without all the little things in life, not only would it be less interesting, but harder to live day to day. Imagine life without happiness. Never ending boredom and sadness would take over everyone's life.
Towering above all others, a lone pine tree caught my eyes. The towering tree had a very familiar shape to it. Then I remembered, the Christmas tree on Main Street every year! Its branches were spread wide, covering a vast swath. Seeing this perfectly shaped tree made me want to decorate it. My family always puts an angel on top of our Christmas tree, and I wanted to do just that with this one. This feat, however, would be a little harder due to this tree’s tremendous height. The amazing tree got me thinking of the importance of a simple Christmas tree. Family, friends, and sitting by a fire are all the things my family does during the holidays. This tree makes me think of all the good times I have had during the holidays and all the good times to come.
A small noise caught my ear. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pair of squirrels and realized that this was the source of that noise. Their little claws were digging into the thick bark of the trees as they played what looked like tag, never seeming to run out of energy. Constantly running up and down trees and at one point, even jumping from branch to branch! The way they played tag just made me smile and realize that happiness doesn't have to come from big things. Things as simple as a goal in hockey, or a good grade on a test, or even playing tag with a close companion all add up to equal a happy life.
The wind picked up a little and the trees behind me started to sway. They seemed to be moaning as the wood fibers were being stretched until they overcame the wind. It made me think of most teenagers trying to get out of bed. They moan as they roll out of bed at the early hours of morning. Eventually the wind would die down and this would stop, the trees waiting for the next gust of wind to start it all over again.
We all are different, yet we share the same world and have to get along with each other. Our uniqueness, like the variety in the forest, creates the colorful landscape of the woods.
Nature can relate to my life in more ways than I previously realized. All the little things in the forest that can have a direct relation to me, and they make me think of how lucky I am. Next time I score a goal, or get a good grade, or even play tag with a friend; I will look back and think of the forest and how little things are so important in life. And specifically, I will remember the beauty and connection I had with the spider’s web.

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