“Just a Dream” | Teen Ink

“Just a Dream”

January 5, 2016
By rangerslover SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
rangerslover SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Jump or she dies!”  said the tall, deep voiced figure in the black cloak, while holding a knife to my beloved’s throat. I looked down the ledge into the dark blue ocean below me and started to panic. Do I, jump or let her die?  A million thoughts raced through my head. I tried to think of other possibilities , other than jumping , but I couldn’t seem to make anything up. “What if I jump and then he still kills her?” I thought.  “What if he tortures her? What if he kills our children?”  I panicked. My train of thought was interrupted by my beloved’s screaming as the killer drove the knife deeper into her skin. “I’ll give you 30 seconds before I cut off your wife’s head and hand it to you,” said the killer with a weirdly calm tone, as if he had done this many times before.
   I awoke with a start, screaming and sweating. I turned to my right just to not find her there. Starting to panic, I scurried out of bed and went downstairs to check for her. I tried to run as quickly down to the first floor as possible without tripping. I reached the bottom and turned on the lights. “Honey” I screamed. “Are you there?” I said with a certain amount of caution in my voice. I walked to the kitchen, and I found a note on the fridge. It read:

“I got called into work.For the night shift,they needed more nurses. So once I come home me and you can spend our day off together. I love you..XOXOXO!”

I felt so reassured. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with a cloth hanging near the kitchen sink.  I checked on the kids and went back to bed glad but still somewhat scared.
I woke up the next day and made breakfast for the kids relieved that tonight’s dream was just a dream, and that I didn’t have to go to work that day. The kids wake up and eat their cereal and then go to the bus outside that takes them to daycare. My beloved returns home, and we decide to go watch movies today. As we sit down to eat our omelets, I hear a knock at our door and stand up to go get it. As I open the door, I meet the tall figure in the dark cloak that visited me in last night’s dreams!

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