Secluded Garden | Teen Ink

Secluded Garden

September 24, 2015
By angeleyesthebad BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
angeleyesthebad BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk through on opening in a row of hedges. It was quite tight and narrow but it was definitely an opening, and used before judging by the packed dirt beneath my feet. It went on for 15 before or so before I came to the entrance into what seemed a whole new world. Colors seemed brighter, more vivid. Birds sand with such grace it marveled the great musicians of my time. I came to more rows of hedges with roses and violets patterned into them. Arranged into optical illusions, or works of art. Tulips were throw almost randomly about, none within a 3 feet of the ground. I removed my headdress which blocked the desert sun which had burned my skin brown. It was not as hot as it once was, instead a warmness washed over the world. Here it treated every inch equally. I walked for what seemed like hours. It was a maze of beauty. A labyrinth of lonlieness. Hours turned to days and days to weeks. Never did I come to spot I was before, and I never once saw a pattern I had already seen. It was like it was growing with every step I took, and my mind was kept sane. It sang to me at night so I could sleep. It nourished my body when I tried to kill it. It talked to me when I talked to it. It held me in her arms when I was cold. She listened to me when I complained, or when I bragged, or even when I said nothing at all. She cheered me up when I was sad. She called me out when I was wrong. She wanted to fight me when I made her angry, and now, it's gone. A lightning storm in the night destroyed it. From those ashes rose someone broken, a fractal of his former self. I was left with a self-inflicted wound. Only time could heal.

The author's comments:

This is based off a creative writing prompt from years ago. It reminds me of the garden the Little Prince happens upon when he visits Earth.

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