Very Good | Teen Ink

Very Good

June 14, 2015
By Sophph BRONZE, Newton, Massachusetts
Sophph BRONZE, Newton, Massachusetts
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

In school we learned that everyone wants liberty and freedom and deliverance and hope and wealth and gratitude and love. I stay here because I long for my liberty and I know I don’t need to leave to find it. Liberty of the mind is a stupid phrase that just means I can think and I can think better than anyone. I am liberated. I won the war.
I want to be a professional beder. A beder is someone who stays in bed all day long. They keep the bed company and makes sure it knows how beautiful and good it is. A good beder writes love poems to their bed, and makes sure the sheets and pillows are included as well.

I love the radio. The people over the turning static and the music they play everyday I think how they’re over there and you're here speaking to me. You never leave me.

You are so good and you always keep the balance between senseless noise and happy noise and rubbish noise and I love you.
I love you radio.
I love the sound of your name.
I love the sound of your static.
Static is like a split and a fire cracker and noise in the words and it makes things seem not so scary.
Things are not so loud.
You keep them so.
You are so good.

The author's comments:

Everyday right when I wake up I have these thoughts that are somthing between dreaming and not. And these are some. Usually, for some unknown reason, they're love notes to inanimate objects.

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