Deja Vu | Teen Ink

Deja Vu

May 23, 2015
By random_nobody SILVER, Minneapolis, Minnesota
random_nobody SILVER, Minneapolis, Minnesota
9 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Opinions and fish.- Possessing opinions is like possessing fish, assuming one has a fishpond. One has to go fishing and needs some luck-then one has one’s own fish, one’s own opinions. I am speaking of live opinions, of live fish. Others are satisfied if they own a cabinet of fossils-and in their hands, “convictions.”

Shattering through the glass, I was propelled through the window. It broke easy like a wine glass, fragile and thin. It all happened too fast, I didn’t have enough time to put my arms up. I barely felt the glass pierce my skin, but I knew it left long gash marks down my face and body. Red lines raked my body, blood seeping into my clothing. I then felt my face smash into the ground, my body following. It all happened within a second, I had no time to react, no time to put on my seatbelt I negitintly forgot to buckle. I almost didn’t feel anything as I lay pulverized on the ground. There was no feeling, I didn’t know if my limp totalled body lay on grass, sidewalk, or pavement. Then, as fast as the accident, the pain came crashing through my body. I tried to scream but my throat was frozen. The pain was so intense, I didn’t know how to handle it. Several of my bones were broken, most of them I would say. I saw my foot, just inches from my face, it lay grotesquely sideways. It looked so out of place, wait, my foot isn’t supposed to be by head is it? No, thats right, they don’t, no wonder it looked to strange. What else was out of place? My arms? Can I move them? I tried to wiggle my fingers or move my arms, but nothing happened. Now that I think about it, the view looked funny. From what I could tell I was laying on my stomach, yet I was looking up at the sky. It seemed so blue, and cloudless. What were clouds made of? Water, yeah evaporated water. But why did they all have different shapes and sizes?

My head snapped up, confusion clouding over. No, Im not laying on the ground, I’m driving, in my white prius. Im on the highway, the little white cones with orange strips were placed with equal distances of about four feet, making them extremely hypnotic. I couldn’t help but zone out, my strange dream slipping from my head. My eyelids felt heavy now, they were starting to droop. The seatbelt dug into my neck, waking me up. It was too much, I unbuckled the seat belt, not wanting a rash on my neck. A sigh of relief escaped my slightly dry lips as the pressure was released from underneath my head. I blinked once, and suddenly a broken down car was sideways in the road, a woman screamed, and I smashed into the car. Shattering the glass, I was propelled through the window. It broke easy like a wine glass. Deja vu.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Aug. 27 2015 at 11:41 am
random_nobody SILVER, Minneapolis, Minnesota
9 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Opinions and fish.- Possessing opinions is like possessing fish, assuming one has a fishpond. One has to go fishing and needs some luck-then one has one’s own fish, one’s own opinions. I am speaking of live opinions, of live fish. Others are satisfied if they own a cabinet of fossils-and in their hands, “convictions.”

@KittyKat1419 thanks so much for all your nice words, whether you meant them or not, they really helped boost my confidence

on Aug. 26 2015 at 7:51 pm
SomeoneMagical PLATINUM, Durham, New Hampshire
22 articles 1 photo 259 comments
Short but well-written - love this and your other work:)