Four Ferocious Bees | Teen Ink

Four Ferocious Bees

May 15, 2015
By RRT97 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
RRT97 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the ones who annoy me. I am the one who runs from them. Four ferocious bees with daggered eyes and fiery stingers. Four who should be bothering someone else but chose me. Four nuisances with nothing better to do. From my chair I can hear them, while my dog tries to eat them.
Their intention is unknown. They point their stinger into my arm. They zoom up and they zoom down and grab souls between their limp legs and growl at the sky and never quit their hostility.  This is how they lurk.
Let one forget his reason for being, they’d all zoom like snowflakes in a snowstorm, each finding a new victim. Zoom, zoom, zoom bees buzz while I scream. They victimize.
When I am too weak and too old to keep zooming, when I am a friendly foe against so many beasts. When there is no one left to frighten. Four who zoomed despite hostility. Four who lurk and do not forget to frighten. Four whose only reason is to annoy me.

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