The World's Future History | Teen Ink

The World's Future History

April 21, 2015
By MagicWriter666 SILVER, Cresco, Iowa
MagicWriter666 SILVER, Cresco, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
It is not the pen that is mightier than the sword, it is the heart.

The world is a complex and confusing place. Reading into things either make you more confused or more enticed to go forward. A strange new site you found online can be a perfect example when you read deep into some articles and just the headline of others.

New York Times
Power Outage Spreads
Issue date: March 17th 2017

What started as a power outage in one apartment building in New York City has now become a state of nationwide panic. On March 12th of last week, a huge power surge went off in one of the top floors apartments. The apartment was said to have belonged to Susan Thompson, a business official of Computer Techno, which is a small branch on the wide tree, Baskerson. Baskerson investigators have searched the building and said that there is no sign of Mrs. Thompson or her family. CEO of Baskerson, Mr. Corbin Brook, had this to say, “There is nothing to worry about. Just calm down and leave all problems with the power outage to the professional.” That was just last week, a day after the power outage started, and now business officials are saying, “Please, under any circumstance, stay away from any kind of computer tapped in with the national internet service and buy only dry, non-refrigerated foods until the power in the country is back on.” The public is advised to follow these new requests of the government. There have been recent reports about local citizens being shocked into submission just by walking by their computers or phones.

New York Times
Power Back On But Not For Good
Issue date: April 3rd 2017

Power has been returned to the states, but at a cost. Technology use has been limited or reduced in local businesses and homes. Children and Teenagers at school are now required to learn from the old second hand textbooks parents had warned them about. Downloadable books and company files have been eliminated from websites and databases. This drawback in human progression has been made to ensure that no more power outages or electrical attacks ever happen again. For now, modern technology is reserved for big businesses such as Baskerson and Key Prices. Other countries in the world are starting to follow these examples as these two businesses spread. Protests outside these buildings have been occurring recently and very often. As the Public Service Announcement went out on its final email, young teens and graduates marched to big budget phone stores and electronic malls to stop any deconstruction that might be send upon them.

North’s Ohio Paper
Strange Happenings
Issue date: 2095 September 16th

The world experienced strange activity last Saturday as everyone said they say huge creatures in the sky and one the ground. Local and foreign officials have said this was just the result of tampered water supply, but that still doesn’t explain why houses are ruined, skyscrapers collapsed, and thousands died. Citizens suspected foreign attackers, but every country on Earth has reported seeing strange creatures never before seen by human eyes. The experience lasted not but half a day and ended soon after it began, but one can’t help but wonder what caused this monstrous interference and can or do these things actually exist?

New Ram City Gossiper
Weird Coincidence
Issue date: 2119 April 17th 

Two bodies were found inside an apartment building in New Ram City. With secret agents going around one would suspect this was a criminal’s doing. They would be half right. This was the work of local college students: Lionel Patrickson and Misha Santiago, two students at New Ram University who have lived in that apartment together for over a year. The number of secret agents involved in this act would be two, seeing their deaths were no accident. In one student’s hand (Patrickson) was a secret military energy blaster, the things you would dream about on TV, and the other (Santiago) was holding an experimental weapon of the Uncover Police System. Top criminal agent, Angra Mainyu, whose identity had been a mystery until now, recently stole the energy blaster. Investigators found physical evidences of Angra Mainyu’s true identity and his involvement in this killing. The biggest proof being the energy blaster in Patrickson’s hand. Evidence saying Santiago was Angra Mainyu has been discriminated when head of the Uncover Police System, Edward Navarro, claimed Santiago was working for him. It appears though both agents were able to finish their work before kicking the bucket. Angra Mainyu was assigned by his organization to kill Gambler, Santiago, and Gambler was assigned to kill Angra Mainyu. With both their bodies found close to each other and both with the weapon wound of the other’s choice, we can say they finished the job and wanted to die with the enemy. Local citizens couldn’t care much about evidences or secret identities conversing. They’re all wondering how a cop and robber could live together for a year and not know about the other’s job.

NY Times
New CEO on the Block
Issue date: 2326 July 10th

Baskerson’s new CEO Michelle Carpenter takes office today after the recent death of her previous employer.

US Official News
Debts Fully Paid
Issue date: 2327 August 20th

US Official News
Bigger Debt Than Before
Issue date: 2328 January 21st

London Express
New World Inside Our Own
Issue date: 2407 May 5nd

Archeologists make a remarkable discovery this week: a mountain underground. While digging outside of the New London Area, an earthquake occurred in the mountains, opening up the ground below and revealing to the archeologist teams a whole new world never before seen. The new layer of Earth is actually thought to be a world that existed before our own. It has gone undetected for years, making our Earth smaller than it actually was. “It’s full of mountain ranges far as the eye can see. There are actual settlements down here with cultural artifacts that look like things we use today. We haven’t found any bodies except for two,” head of the archeologist team, Jason Huffman, claimed during an interview that on top of the mountain the team landed on during the earthquake, luckily unscathed, they found two corpses. They believe it’s one corpse because the other one looks miraculously alive. The two corpses are a full-grown male, who maybe froze to death after what appears to be a stab wound in his mid-twenties, and the other corpse, the alive one, appears to be an infant girl. A baby girl, who looks to have just been born, was found in the dead man’s arm. The corpse of the man seems to date back to the last ice age in 12000 BC. The little girl’s body however looks to be only a few days old. No blood is pumping through her body, and there is no signs of breathing, but this area is so ancient that this baby couldn’t have been born any time after this layer was covered. Archeologists hope they’ll be able to explore the world below us, so they can learn more about our ancestors who lived there.

US Official News
War On The Brink
Issue date: 2551 February 13th

War appears to be the only outcome when world powers come together. With debt once again at an all time high, all countries are thinking about cutting out the middleman, the man that won’t pay. Depending on where you’re standing when this is going on, anyone could be the middleman, but to everyone outside the conference room, everyone’s the middleman. None of the countries are able to pay off the current debt.

Worldwide News Panel
Turn For The Worst
Issue date: 2553 July 2nd

War takes an unexpected turn as all countries are starting to use radioactive chemicals to try to win the war. Targets are small towns and cities, luckily only affecting a few city blocks, the downside being those city blocks. Citizens affected by the new chemicals are starting to mutate into strange new creatures and hybrids such as dogs and reptiles. One report tells of a family being turned into bat-like creatures of the night. Vampire-lovers everywhere have sold out the number of hospital visits to see their dreams come true. Affected citizens are capable of serving mutation but only time can tell if the next generation will or if there will even be a next generation.

Worldwide News Panel
“Don’t” Come Home
Issue date: 2559 June 17th

The radioactive World War IV is finally over and soldiers are returning home after a fruitless effort to stop the madness. The No More Debt Act of 2327 has been reinstated and prices have been lowered thanks to the international franchise Baskerson. As another help in the debt, technology has once again been reduced to the simple for the fifth time in history. The need for fancy new technology has gone away and no longer needs payment for production. Financial plans aside, not all soldiers and victims of the war are welcomed with open arms as they return to their hometowns. Mutated “monsters”, as people now call them, are greeted all over the world with stones and harsh words. Schools and workplaces are refusing to let the harmless, mutated citizens back into their society. With mutated humans taking up a small percentage of the world’s population, demand for equal rights is at an all time low. Court cases are still being made as mutated citizens demand to be let back into work and into school systems.

Worldwide News Panel
Compromise For Monsters
Issue date: 2560 May 30th

The court case for mutated monsters has ended. The Rights of Monsters has been added to the National Amendments, but not all is equal in the world. In promise to the Rights of Monsters, monster children are allowed to go to school, a separate school from the normal children where they can be with their own kind. The Right never said how many schools though, so far only two school for the three thousand monsters have been built worldwide. Monsters now have their own separate district in three small towns. Many moving trucks were ordered by the cities to ship the monsters off to their new homes, but not all is lost. Scientists at national laboratories are working on a cure for radioactive infections. This does not stop the discrimination though. During the construction of one of the schools, normal citizens from a nearby town attacked monster staffs selected for the new job.


World News
Greetings from Earth
Issue date: May 3069 May 4th

After a thousand years of dreaming about the stars, mankind has done it. We’ve been to the moon, we’ve mapped the entire solar system, and now we go beyond. The dream is happening, people. The Lab Center of the Exploration of Astronomy, LCEA, has announced the plan to send explorers into space to greet our extraterrestrial neighbors. Feedback will be sent back to Earth about their whereabouts. It’s the world’s dream to expand its borders. Our extraterrestrial neighbors will be surprised to see Earth inhabitants in the spaceship: Quasar, the most advanced spaceship ever built. The crew is just bursting with energy as they prepare to take off and explore the new worlds. Captain Harold Josh will guide the ship on its tour of the galaxy, discovering new life and culture to expand humans’ ideas about the universe. Anything is possible with an advanced ship and determination. History will be made and the Quasar Crew will make it happen. Our lives will soon change as the stars come to Earth and Earth brings itself to the stars. New possibilities will be made; new ideas will be explored. Reporters all over the world come to Quinnaby Bay Central in North New London to get an interview with the head of Project Starburst, Professor Nigel Robinson. He had this to say, “People of Earth, we’re going in peace to find new life forms on planets we have just received information of. Our crew is ready to go and greet them, welcoming peace between our planets. We will be the balance of hope and kind nature. We will be the creators of logic, both new and old. We will be the pilgrims of a new generation. When the Quasar returns we will have new technology and new ideas. Keep your eyes on the sky, Earthlings. On May 22nd 3069, we humans reach for the stars.”

World News
War In The World
Issue date: January 24th 3091

Shortly after a conference of the world powers began, a riot broke out in the meeting. Bombs exploded as world leaders were pressured to confess the harboring of illegal or stolen weapons, kidnapping local citizens for lab experiments, fraud, and illegal testing and study of the human body. Tension rose as Prime Minister David Macalious of the British Powers said this: “Treason had been committed in countries all over the world. We are all traitors and we must stop ourselves.” As the argument went on about who was a traitor, Macalious went on with his speech. “Confess your sins! Confess your sins!” Afterwards, he had confessed a sin of his own. Minister Macalious has authorized the construction of illegal equipment made and ready for the war he has planned. He ordered other world leaders to show their weapons they will use. He ordered them to “Confess your sins.” With all world powers proven guilty, there is no authorized force to arrest them until they return to their home countries, where war is starting to wage. Even now in local countries, men are being drafted for war, foreign spies are being born in public schools, and rumors of a catastrophic event have everyone making shelter. Riots have broken out in several societies. Husbands say goodbye to their wives and children, hoping one day the world will be at a somewhat peace once again.



The articles just seem to get worse and worse as you read. There are titles like “The End is Near” and paragraphs starting with “This might be our last issue.” Things just kept getting worse and worse as you continue to read. The newspapers you found just feel you with dread as you read the different faiths. As you get further and further into the world’s history, the newspapers just stop soon after the last. Then they stop. The urge to know the end of the story leads you to a different kind of recorded history.


September 10th 3109
We made it. I can’t believe it. I was saved with hundreds of others. They were right, Baskerson. They were prepared. I’m safe, but I’m still terrified. The ground just opened up above me. I was in the darkness of the sanctuary for weeks until the end came. I was terrified when I saw the burning sky appearing above me. It was horrific. I felt so scared, seeing the sky as if it were on fire. It not only dawned the end of the world, but it lit a new torch to burn.

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