Why cats chase mouses? | Teen Ink

Why cats chase mouses?

April 7, 2015
By emonir BRONZE, Sacramento, California
emonir BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once long ago, Cat was married to mouse. They lived very happily with each other in their small cottage in the forest, but every night when cat came home from work, mouse said, “Your milk didn’t come in today but we have some good cottage cheese.”

Cat then replies, “Cottage cheese again……. What’s going on with the milk man?” Cat was patient with the conversation for a while, but soon he got tired of eating cheese every day. After all, he knew that the milk man came every day. One day, cat told mouse he was going to work, but he hid underneath the table and watched mouse to see what she did with the milk. As soon as mouse thought that cat left, Mouse went underneath the sink and took out 2 bottles of milk and put rennet in it and started to stir it. Mouse says to herself, “this is going to make some mighty fine cottage cheese by time cat comes home.”

Mouse was being selfish. Cat jumped out from underneath the table. When mouse saw him, she tried to hide the milk and told cat that she was cleaning up. Cat got so mad at her he started chasing her around the house.

Cats have been chasing mouse ever since.

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