Fighting for Something | Teen Ink

Fighting for Something

April 6, 2015
By Emo_Boy SILVER, Arlington, Texas
Emo_Boy SILVER, Arlington, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
God gives the toughest lives to his strongest angels.

Dom was a good kid who lived in a typical town. He really focuses on himself a lot and doesn’t like making sacrifices for non-important things. Every day he trains himself to become a better fighter. He pushes himself to his limits and beyond. He didn’t socialize as much as everyone else at his college, but tends to focus on his classes and work. Dom never has had a first kiss, first girlfriend or anything related to that. He was too shy to make a move if he ever wanted to, and when he did, he would get so nervous that he would say sorry and leave. But when Dom works out and trains, he has no problem moving forward like nothing. He has always had the dream of entering the World Martial Arts Tournament, just one problem, every fight is a no-holds-bar fight to the death. And that’s what he is afraid of, death in the ring from another fighter. Dom never has had a clear motivation for fighting, nothing is so important to him in order to go the extreme, then that all changed. One day in his philosophy class, a new student transferred into his school. When she walks into his class, Dom’s heart, eyes, and mind focus on her and hears the “Angelica” echo in his mind over and over. She takes a seat near him and Dom doesn’t even pay attention to the class anymore, just thinking of the beauty that is sitting right next him, the wonderful being that has appeared before him. The class ends and angelica walks away, Dom immediately tries to talk to her.
“Hi” replies angelica
“Um… angelica right” asks Dom
“Yeah, what’s yours” she replies with a smile
“I’m Dominic but I go by Dom”
“Pleasure to meet you Dom”
Dom does his best to talk to her and actually hits it off. They hangout every weekend and anytime during the week. After 2 years, Dom finally asks Angelica to be his girlfriend, with excitement Angelica replies with a yes. Later on they finally got married and had a child, but it came with problems. Overdue bills were just the tip of the iceberg and they needed money fast. Dom turns on the TV and see’s the commercial for the World Martial Arts Tournament and see’s that the rules has changed from a fight to the death to a fight until knockout. Dom immediately goes to sign up and tells Angelica about it, she worries that Dom hasn’t trained in so long but he tells her that it doesn’t matter about skill, speed, strength, or size but about having something to fight for. The tournament is finally hear and every fighter is getting ready. The fights start and Dom piles through every single fighter finally becoming the world champion. After the celebration, the news anchor asks Dom what is the choice in being in the tournament. Dom replies saying “I use the spend almost every day training myself to become the best and I was afraid of having to make sacrifices but then I met someone who penetrated my heart and me something to fight for, and during every fight I smiled even if it meant losing of death, I still knew I was doing this for someone special”. Memorized as the rookie who defeated anyone and everyone, he let everyone know that they must have something to fight for. Have something to fight for.

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