Rose and vase | Teen Ink

Rose and vase

March 26, 2015
By ShannonShannon BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
ShannonShannon BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, there was a fairy who lived in a beautiful valley. It was such a beautiful valley because it was full of roses! When the wind blew, the sweet smell of roses would spread far far away. The lady loved roses so much, every summer when the roses bloomed, she would pick the most beautiful one from her well-kept garden and set it in a vase. And no doubting, the one was picked became the most noticeable too. At that time, she would give that rose thoughts and emotions, that was a huge glory and all roses want it.

This year the one is picked by the lady called “Nicole.” Her petals were as red as peoples’ blood, under the sunshine, it looks like a real ruby. She would hear people speak highly of her beauty over and over again, and then she became proud and picky.

“I am gorgeous.” Nicole said with a lofty smile, she stretched her branches as arms, used her leaves to stroke her petals. She learned this action from a cute girl who is the fairy’s granddaughter, but Nicole doesn't know this relationship between them. She found that the lady treats the girl always better than others. “Eh……”She tried to think the reason “it must be because the girl is so cute, so the lady likes her that much! Much more that others! ” She has bangs on her forehead and she has fluff them once a while, so Nicole imitates it down to show she also has a close relationship with the lady.

“But------” she changed her tone suddenly, unpleased face appears, “I am in such a plain and dumb vase!” She glanced at the vase which always stays in silence, “Why my owner keeps me in this vase?!” She yelled, almost cried. She thought this vase wasn’t able to match her beauty.

One day, the cute granddaughter comes to visit again, and Nicole really wants to talk with her, she wants to find out how the cute girl makes her owner pay so much attention on her. She says to the vase, and no need to say, she says her words rudely:

“Hey vase! Oh do you hear me? Be smart and favorable ok? Just like me!”

“Nicole” the vase said to her slightly, the vase ignored her fulsome tone, it doesn't want to start a battle of water “Yes, I hear you. Do you need any help?”

“Oh you’d better hear me……I want to go to talk to the girl, so move.”

“I am fine with that, but you won’t……” the vase’s voice is as slight as the sound of mosquito.

“Enough! Professor! ” She is mocking “Just do what I told you.”

“Nicole, I am serious, you will regret……” The vase tries to help her to realize the result, but Nicole cuts off its words again.

“How you dare to be against me?! ” She had fire in her eyes, because she always thinks the vase is cowardly.

The vase sighs deeply, because it knows what was going to happen next, but it still follows her words.

“Oh!” The fairy screamed after she heard the sound of crashing “Why did the vase fall?” But of course nobody found out the reason. The water in the vase spread and Nicole’s pretty petals start to fall, then she died without any words.

“Nicole, I tried to tell you that.” The vase said sadly. Then the lady picked up all the vase’s pieces and put them together carefully. The vase, which was called dumb and plain by the gorgeous rose, survives.

By this story, we can be taught that we should respect others and be modest, conceited people will ruin themselves.

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