A Spy's Tail | Teen Ink

A Spy's Tail

February 1, 2015
By ninabug SILVER, College Place, Washington
ninabug SILVER, College Place, Washington
7 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
I haven't failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
--Thomas Edison--

Sitting on a nearby tree a blue and pink kitten is listening. This kitten’s name is Jeanie. She is a spy. Her subject is Mr. Earwig Daffodil. Right now he is on camera telling the world he will take over. Mr. Daffodil is, well… different from other animals. He is a mix between an ape, a dog and a pig. Weird, right? No one believes that he will take over and everyone laughs at him. Jeanie is paying so much attention to Mr. D. she forgets she is on a tree and she falls. It would be funny unless you happened to be on a mission. Finally Mr. D. finishes his speech. Jeanie pounces on him and tries to confront him but Mr. D. is a lot more experienced with this sort of thing because for one he’s an ape-dog-pig thing. He pins Jeanie down with his umbrella (Jeanie still doesn’t know why he has an umbrella but she’ll have to look that up later). Mr. D. quickly grabs his umbrella, puts it over his head and runs away. So close and yet so far, Jeanie thinks.
           While sipping her orange juice and finally getting to that leftover cake, Jeanie is reading a file about Mr. D. who apparently is one million years old, (how is he still alive?) he can’t go into the sun, (so that’s why he carries an umbrella around everywhere.) he wants to control the world, he has a bad past and he lives in a cave. “What a pleasant animal,” Jeanie says to herself. She hears a commotion outside and she decides to take a look.
             In the midst of the crowd is Mr. D. with a contraption of some sort. People and animals of all sorts are staring at Mr. D. and his machine in confusion. He’s about to zap everyone so they will whatever he orders them to do but Jeanie knocks him down. He wasn’t surprised though because he can see into the future (only what will happen in the next five minutes but he can still see into the future.) Mr. D. hits her back harder than she hit him (she is just a kitten after all so don’t blame her. At least she tried.) Jeanie falls unconscious. When Mr. D. was fighting Jeanie he dropped his umbrella. He tries to get it and he is freaking out. While he’s doing this he doesn’t notice Jeanie dismantling his zapping device. Then she picks up his umbrella and she shoves at the very bottom of a trashcan. Jeanie sees some rope in the can and she pulls it out. She looks at it and realizes it’s about eight inches long. Not very helpful. Jeanie looks in the trashcan and this time pulls out a longer rope. She takes the rope, bounds Mr. D. with it and drags the screaming animal away. “Mission accomplished.” Jeanie says to herself.
           Sitting in a cold and dark room is Mr. D. “My beloved cave!” is his first thought, but he thinks otherwise as Jeanie comes in slurping her orange juice loudly. “I will escape and you will never be able to find me!” Mr. D. screams. “Drama king,” mutters Jeanie.

The author's comments:

These characters were random. I wrote this story for school in fourth grade.

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