Another game | Teen Ink

Another game

January 30, 2015
By KaliAlley BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
KaliAlley BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Inspiration is everywhere around us. It’s behind every door that we open, it’s in every face that we see, it’s in every day we wake into. The only thing we have to do, is recognize it. Inspiration comes in all shapes and forms. I see inspiration all around me. I see inspiration in people every day. People that I know are having a hard time, and maybe people that aren’t having a hard time, but are looking at life through a positive perspective.
For example, the other day I went to a basketball game with my dad in Bangor. I’ve seen a ton of games over the years, and I’ve probably played in just as many. Sports are very important to my family. But something happened at this game that made it different from any other game.
At the game there was this couple that was really into it. They were jumping up
and down, clapping excessively, and being maybe a little too loud. People everywhere in the gym were staring at them. At half time, the guy came over and spoke to me. He said he had recognized me from sports over the years. He then went on to explain he had two daughters on the team. The way his face lit up when he told me this; priceless. As he told me a little bit about each of them I couldn’t help but notice how happy he was. Happy just to be present in all that his daughters were doing. This was true inspiration to me. A small family, totally happy, making the best of everyday and being grateful for what they had. I left that gym really thinking about my own life. Sometimes we just need a little reminder to make the best of the time we have here, and these random run-ins with strangers can sometimes do the trick just fine. Inspiration is everywhere, we just have to open our eyes.

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