The Store | Teen Ink

The Store

September 29, 2014
By Kashworth08 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
Kashworth08 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much."

Loud noises are always everywhere. The only time there is quiet is after everyone, including the workers leave. Even the doors make noises as they eat more and more customers. People of every kind come and go as they please. Some of them are unhappy to be here whereas others could not be happier. It’s earth’s own heaven and hell. People just play whatever instruments they want, because that’s what people do at a music store like this. Some people are terrible at instruments, but other people are amazing. The walls shake with the sounds of the guitars. The store’s heart beats in time with the drum.
Occasionally, a skilled musician will come in and play the drums. Just a few days ago, a young man came in and killed it on the drums. It was loud, but it was beautiful. The whole store shook to the beat. The doors opened in time with the drummer’s beat. The young man was so good; it seemed as though the store danced when he played. When the young man left, the store let out a sigh of contentment. It was obvious that the store was relieved to have had a breath of talent inside of it.
On normal days, however, the lights always seem so dim and the store seems annoyed. It is always extremely loud with sounds that don’t go well together. The clanging of cymbals and the strumming of strings are the annoying sounds the nuisances make. Every night when everyone leaves, the store is finally at peace.
One winter, however, everything was gone. The drums and the guitars had disappeared. The manager never came back and the store was alone. No one turned on the heater and it was always ice cold. It was even worse than before. The store missed the sounds that used to peel its wallpaper and the smells that would clog its air vents. Most of all, it missed the people who annoyed it. They used to massage its floors with their running feet. The store would take it all back. It wished it had enjoyed everything rather than despised everything.

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