Seethrough | Teen Ink


September 23, 2014
By Merkabo BRONZE, Winona, Minnesota
Merkabo BRONZE, Winona, Minnesota
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.”

The Seethrough

Once there was an isolated valley cut off from civilization far and wide by a dense jungle. Here in this undiscovered realm, lived all kinds of exotic life. There were strange plants who grew to move and develop consciousness of their own, strange insects that emitted all sorts of colors and lights, and bizarre animals who thought to brew tranquil tea and drink next to quiet waters. Some of the animals even came to build small huts within the large and lush canopies of the jungle. Life oozed out in all forms here, so much that air tasted of something akin to fresh celery, and there were numerous weird scents that you couldn't escape, no matter where you went. It was all so odd that it was almost beyond the imagination.
However, the strangest of all were the Seethrough People. They’ve wandered far throughout the valley for countless years, passing through the life like it didn’t exist. They wandered until they passed through all the animals who scoffed, all the trees who paid no heed, and everything else who had nothing at all to say. Then, they passed through themselves. This was the supposed insurmountable fate of the Seethrough People, to be alive as nothing and eventually become nothing. To yearn for life yet to be eternally separated from it.
As time grew on, the Seethrough People began to grow more weary of their fate. They began to hate their own existence and envy the lives of the plants and animals. They wanted to feel real, to feel the weight of their feet with every step, but they were still bound to the only ways they knew.
One day, there was one who refused to just pass through the life around him. So, he thought to do something which was deemed very peculiar by the Seethrough People. He moved himself with the life around him, dancing and dancing for many days until his Seethrough body could take it no more. His Seethrough body had disappeared. He became another part of the jungle, and flourished into life itself, but to the Seethrough People he became invisible.
The man, rejuvenated and brimming with life, tried to tell the Seethrough People of the wonderful emotions that came through him, but for some reason he was only given strange looks and uneasy glares. No matter how much he tried to tell them, they would never listen to the man. The man eventually grew frustrated and abandoned the Seethrough. He fled into the deepest part of the jungle and never returned. The Seethrough merely continued passing by as they always have been.
Though the Seethrough People could no longer see the man for as he is, the man grew to be no longer troubled. The man could now sip tranquil tea next to the animals with nothing to worry him. He was alive; he was free. He could live, laugh, and love as a part of the jungle. He could dance, dance in the quiet waters and dance in the lush canopies for eternity. And so that’s what he did.

The author's comments:

This piece, was dedicted to and inspired by the universe.

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