A Wish For Her | Teen Ink

A Wish For Her MAG

By Anonymous

“Is that her?”
“What? Who?”
“Shh … here she comes.”

“Oh … her.”

We avert our eyes as she walks by. We clutch our books tightly to our chests, stare down at our sneakers, and hold our breath as she passes. Whispers follow her like shadows as she scurries up the stone stairs, through the metal doors. Lisa and I exchange looks. The bell rings in our ears, and we head inside.

“Who’s she with today?” Lisa asks at lunch.

“Toby,” I scoff, biting into my ­sandwich.

“Figures. Apparently they had a great time at Jack’s apartment last weekend.” I make a face.

“Disgusting.” Lisa laughs.

“I bet she has all sorts of diseases.”

“I bet she’s wearing his sweatshirt. The one that smells as bad as he does.”

“I bet she’s gonna be one of those girls who never goes to college and ends up on the street.”

“I bet she’s gonna be a …” I look around to make sure no teachers are listening, “whore.”

That’s her new name. It spreads like a foul disease around the school, through the hallways, passed from one lip-gloss-smeared mouth to the next. Some kids just call her “The W,” or “The H” for the stupid ones who can’t spell. It’s what she is. It’s who she is. And none of us like her. None except Toby and Mitchell and all those guys who are too dumb to see her for who she really is. We see her kissing guys in the alley after school each day, like she doesn’t even care, like she doesn’t even know.

Don’t worry, we’re gonna make her realize who she really is. We’re gonna make her feel so bad she’ll shrink like a little mouse and learn her lesson and stay away from all of them, especially Devin, who liked me all of sixth grade ’til she stole him last summer.

We isolate her. We don’t speak to her, not even when she asks what the homework for last night was. Find it out yourself, stupid. We leave notes in her locker, and we snicker as she walks by.

Have you learned your lesson yet, princess? Are you ever gonna stop wearing so much lipstick and eyeliner and skirts that are way too short? Are you ever gonna put out that cigarette or throw out those bottles? You’re 13 – what’s wrong with you? Didn’t your parents ever teach you what’s right and wrong? Half the grade hates you. Sticks and stones, you say, but soon it’ll be real. I will smash up your pretty face if I have to. I’ll break your bones. I could snap your neck over my knee.


I walk home from Lisa’s house, and I take the long way because I want to look at the moon and the stars. I want to cross the cornfield, because once I saw a shooting star. I have to walk through the sketchy neighborhood to get there, though, but I should be okay if I hurry.

Suddenly, I hear a man’s voice ­coming from one of the houses, the one with the shingles falling off and the rusty car in the driveway. He is yelling. I rush behind a tree, heart ­racing so loud I’m sure he can hear. Suddenly I see a familiar figure. It’s her. She and the man are yelling at each other. He lashes out at her, and I wince. I can hear the slap.

And then the door closes. She is alone, and she sits on her porch steps. And she cries. I’ve never seen her cry before. Alone, with no boys, out in the cold night, crying, crying, crying so hard she can’t breathe. Her tears make ugly black lines down her face. And suddenly, she looks up, and our eyes lock. I run.

I run past the houses and the deli and the gas station with the creepy owner, and the ice cream store where we get really great slushies. I cross the street, my heart racing, out of breath and into the lush grass of the cornfield. I collapse on the ground, my arms and legs spread apart, trying to catch my breath and hold back the tears, though I can’t understand why they’re coming.

She was so alone. So sad. She is loved by no one but those boys. And I’m not sure they even really love her.

Suddenly I look up and see something sparkle across the indigo sky, a little explosion of white like a firecracker on the Fourth. I close my eyes.

And I wish for her.

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This article has 546 comments.

maki:p GOLD said...
on Nov. 26 2009 at 11:16 pm
maki:p GOLD, Rocklin, California
17 articles 1 photo 47 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only journey is the one within" and "You can't help anyone who doesn't want to be helped."

I remember reading this in the printed magazine. Its a great piece. It actually one of the ones that inspired me to get an account on teenink.

on Nov. 26 2009 at 10:57 pm
LiteraryCrusader BRONZE, Waldwick, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Wow...I epic failed that one didn't I?"

I know you probably have alot of comments, but I like this alot! Sad, but this is what can happen in an every day life.

StarsMoon said...
on Nov. 25 2009 at 9:30 pm
StarsMoon, Lehi, Utah
0 articles 0 photos 49 comments

that was kinda sad but really good.

i loved it! :)

and its so...


you cant judge someone for what they do when you dont know WHY they do it.

you dont know them..

maybe they come to school lookin pretty awful, think about why.

maybe they slept the night on a park bench.

you dont know them, so dont judge them.

thnx for writing this, even though i know what it means, some people may not.

ur a great writer :)

<3 / someone who cares

Angelia SILVER said...
on Nov. 25 2009 at 3:53 pm
Angelia SILVER, Worcester, Massachusetts
7 articles 1 photo 5 comments
this is amazing. (:

on Nov. 25 2009 at 3:01 pm
Ms.Understood, Laramie, Wyoming
0 articles 0 photos 82 comments
This was such a good tear triggering heart warming story. Thanks for that. That was enough to make me feel loved. Loved it.

ihunt BRONZE said...
on Nov. 25 2009 at 1:26 pm
ihunt BRONZE, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
1 article 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
friendly fire isnt

i really like this story it is compelling and it touches everyones heart. its true and every school has that one girl that is a " whore ".

on Nov. 25 2009 at 8:56 am
FINa_BAYBEe*<---♥, Gary, Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We ONLy GOt WUn LIFe To LIVe An Im LIVIn MINe OUt TAh Da FULleSt=]]

this is a very gud story,, because yea i think yuh have a great mind for this and yuh are very gud at writing things like this keep up the good work,, this kind of reminds me of me an what im going through rite now, people dont even know me yet they just look at me and say they dont like me,, they dislike me for no reason,, but anyways yuh did a gud job, this is my favorite story that i read on here=]]

Jaquie BRONZE said...
on Nov. 21 2009 at 6:21 pm
Jaquie BRONZE, West Palm Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 407 comments

Favorite Quote:
This is certainly one of my favorites: "I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes." -2 Samuel 6:22

Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with everyone. It really is a work of art.

God bless,


on Nov. 17 2009 at 7:08 pm
EMOEMY GOLD, Flower Mound, Texas
15 articles 2 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If the world didn't suck we would all fall off", "My life's goal is to make those closest smile and laugh", "If you don't like it change it"

I <3 this story!!!! This is extremely true and very moving.

on Nov. 14 2009 at 1:27 pm
sasssgirrrl22 PLATINUM, Pearl River, New York
27 articles 0 photos 266 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Giving up is not a part of my vocabulary."
"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."
"Truth be told I miss ya, truth be told I'm lying."

this is a great story. very realistic. awesome job :P

on Nov. 14 2009 at 10:57 am
Lillybear BRONZE, San Diego, California
4 articles 2 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away.

i love this story! it was the first story i read so i wanted to make a story too!!! Its called Numbers

secretkeeper said...
on Nov. 13 2009 at 12:52 pm
I agree with voldemort. You should open an account and post the story if you want to write one. Also, maybe you shouldn't put a rough draft on.

on Nov. 9 2009 at 5:35 pm
Very realistic and true. Wonderful. Analyze, will you, love.

Wisps of smoke danced into the wintry air from my lips, creating ornate designs that could never be replicated. I carefully tilted the corners of my lips into a smile that I meant to be wry. Of course, it's difficult to articulate emotions that I can't feel, but I find that irony is relatively simple to demonstrate. I inhaled the toxic vapors of the cigarette casually. Its sinister, black cancer couldn't cripple a seventeen-year-old boy with no lungs, let alone a heart.

I glanced in the direction of the horizon, and flinched. The sun was dying flamboyantly, casting its radiant colors across the sky. Its last waves of light caressed my cold, pale skin. I wanted to snarl rebelliously as I felt its warmth slide against me deviously.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”

My muscles went rigid, and I had to focus madly on controlling my shaking hands. I would know that voice, that beautiful, disastrous voice, in the realms beyond that of Earth. I grated my teeth, reeling in the disturbing sensations that she unknowingly always aroused in me.

I cocked my body towards her arrogantly, and lifted my mouth into a crooked crescent moon. I felt my eyes flashing, but I worked vehemently to fixate an arctic, hard tone into the dark of my indigo irises.

“I find the sunset lifeless and meaningless, actually,” I countered flatly, and a beat too late.

She laughed merrily, and I struggled within myself as my mind and body became entranced by the beautiful movement of her laughter as the colors of the sun played about her.

“You amuse me, Darian. How can you have such a pessimistic view of the world? The sun will not be lifeless until it disappears beneath the horizon, and the night falls. It’ll rise tomorrow, though,” she said.

I dared not think of her name. I hated the way my soul-if I had a soul-thrilled when her voice lingered over my name. It reminded me of music. I had to close my mind defiantly as I thought of music. I wanted nothing that resembled passion.

“That’s an inane notion that foolish women entertain. You want poetry, and ridiculous vows of forever. You aren’t difficult to read. If you want that sunset to mean something, then you want unrequited love. It doesn’t work like that,” I growled unmercifully, angry at her for unleashing the flood of feelings upon me.

on Nov. 9 2009 at 5:31 pm
I enjoyed "A Wish For Her." Good Luck, my approval is as rare as vampires.

Her lovely green eyes shifted into hard emeralds.

“What do you know about me, Dare? And what’s so wrong with having dreams? And why are you talking to me like that? I was simply commenting on the sunset.” She tossed her red curls, clearly miffed.

I lifted my chin, and blew smoke in her face. It was easier on me when she was angry. I don’t know why she bothered with me. Why she was brave enough to confront me. Why she didn’t follow the laws of the superficial high school we both attended. Why she didn’t stay away from me, like everyone else.

“You’ll die from that smoking, Darian.” She glared at me. We’d had this argument a lot. I lifted my eyebrows, and turned away from her, signaling that the conversation was over.

She didn’t obey, and I sighed.

“You know, Dare, you could let yourself feel. You could understand it.” Her voice was soft, a whisper in the darkening air. She was air. My air.

I reviled the potency of the emotions I could feel pulsing through me. I ran a hand through my black hair nervously, my body skidding with strange, unfamiliar energy. I didn’t want to answer her. Why didn’t she leave?

I made a fatal mistake when I looked at her. Every nerve inside of me screamed, as though my body and internal organs were recharging hurriedly in the rare moment of my awakening.

I think I felt my heart beat hesitantly.

My voice seemed like that of a stranger. It had a rich, deep tone to it. It had color.

“Understand what?”

Something in my expression changed the way she was looking at me. It may have mirrored the arrangement of my own features. She became vulnerable in that instant.

“Kiss me.” She whispered brokenly.

Surprise jolted keenly through me. God, I wished I was numb again. Everything felt electric-too intense and too vivid. Emotions scattered across my being, a mutinous invasion of the raging war against myself. I was defenseless and an easy prey to her request. I breathed jaggedly, and there was a husky vibe to it. Want. I recognized it more clearly as it bloomed vibrantly through me.

And she was waiting. For me.

I destroyed the walls I had so warily built as I leaned towards her. She lifted a creamy hand and laid it tenderly against my cheek, the expectation making her bold. I moaned, and closed my eyes. My own hands loosened, and reached for her face greedily

Something hot-burning-ignited against my skin. I wrenched myself away, dazed by the unpleasant sensation. Had a spark traveled through our bodies? That’s when I noticed the cigarette kindling like a faint ember beside my marred hand. It had burnt me. The throbbing pain brought a wave of consciousness through me. Reality. And I stared at her face, inches from mine, and something clicked inside of me. Gears that began humming smoothly, like a tuned clock. I pulled back, and tossed her hand away like it stung. I grimaced as the vitals within me slowly resumed their state of nothingness, and shook my head to clear it of its nonsensical ideas.

She watched the change take possession of me, and tears began to collect in her eyes.

I found that I could care less.

I grinned at her, and mocked, “I taste of cigarettes, Clara.”

She got up shockingly to her feet, and backed away as if understanding for the first time what I was. Tears stained her nondescript face.

I smiled, that careful replication of a smile, and said acidly, “Did I humor your silly fantasies well?”

Her face crumpled entirely, and she pivoted away and ran sobbing from my scathing ridicule.

The sun died, and all was dark.

on Nov. 9 2009 at 12:40 pm
Life-in-between96 BRONZE, Bellevue, Nebraska
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Great story!!! very intriguing. i was a little sad when it ended

on Nov. 3 2009 at 10:39 pm
BrittDawn PLATINUM, Winnipeg, Other
23 articles 0 photos 45 comments

Favorite Quote:
And at that moment, I swear we were infinite.

This story is so real, and really inspirational. It's fantastic keep it up!

on Nov. 3 2009 at 9:05 pm
wow, this was a really good story :) I'm sure u must be proud of it, it touched my heart in a way that i cant even explain... i can definatly relate to the girl in this story. You have definatly proved in just this little piece of writing that there is always more then one side to a story. right on!

Livi<3 said...
on Nov. 3 2009 at 6:31 pm
This is really good! Nice story line and good chose for an ending

on Nov. 3 2009 at 5:24 pm
I love this! You HAVE to write more! Please?

Brittany. GOLD said...
on Nov. 3 2009 at 5:04 pm
Brittany. GOLD, Phoenix, Arizona
18 articles 6 photos 10 comments
Written very well. I loved it dude.