That One Time | Teen Ink

That One Time

July 21, 2014
By Daniel Koehnlein BRONZE, Russellville, Arkansas
Daniel Koehnlein BRONZE, Russellville, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The wind howled and cast a freezing paralysis throughout Mason's body. It was a lot colder up here than he thought, but it really didn't matter did it. He was already dead. For months now he had been in pain. Its such a sad thing when you love someone and you put so much of your time and effort into them just to find out that they never loved you from the start. But it was okay, maybe by doing this, Will would realize the mistake he made and feel the same pain Mason felt. He would have to live the rest of his life knowing that he was the reason Mason jumped off that bridge.
"What am I doing, why can't I move on?" Mason thought to himself as he stood on a support beam five stories from the end, holding on only to the pendant Will gave him some weeks earlier. The pendant meant so much to him and he wished to pass on with it. The little Buddha brought him comfort and tranquility during his most stressful moments and right now he needed it more than ever.
With the unbearable screeches of the wind passing through his ear canal, Mason barely heard the faint yelling of someone below. "Mason, Mason don't do it. Wait let me talk to you, please don't jump!" the figure yelled. Who was this person Mason thought and how did he know his name. As he looked down, Mason could see something rather someone climbing towards him,then he suddenly realized that it was Will. "Why are you here? You need to leave. I don't want you to see this." Mason could not bear to see Will and it drove him even more to make Will hurt. "Please Mason don't do this. This doesn't need to happen. We can work this out!" Will's charming blue eyes and his thin lips mesmerized Mason and he couldn't help but delay his fall. "Tell me one thing Will. Why don't you love me? I showed you my affection and you played me. you just used me and left."
"Mason, I told you from the beginning that I never wanted a serious relationship and you agreed that we would just be friends with benefits. But the more time we spent together the more I noticed you becoming attached to me. I thought that by leaving for a while, things would cool down and your liking towards me would cease. I didn't think any of this would happen. I do love you Mason just not in the same way you feel. I really wish it could be different but the truth is i just don't feel the same way and I never will." Those words were like a dagger to Mason's heart and they pushed him to make his final decision. With tears freezing on his cheeks Mason Screamed "So what then you want me to jump off this bridge is that what you want?"
Will took one long hard stare at Mason and it seemed like an eternity of silence.
"If that is what you need to do to end your pain, there is nothing more that I can do to help you." Mason taking in what Will said slowly removed the Buddha pendant from his neck and placed it into Will's shirt pocket and whispered into his ear "You were the source of my suffering but now you are the end to it." And with that Mason pushed Will off of the bridge and walked away not dwelling in the past,not dreaming of the future, but concentrating the mind on the present moment. -Budda

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