Eyes Open Wide | Teen Ink

Eyes Open Wide

July 10, 2014
By TessaTerrence SILVER, Plantation, Fl., Florida
TessaTerrence SILVER, Plantation, Fl., Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I feel that books, just like people, have a destiny." -- Elie Wiesel

The last thing I remember is the sun, shining through the shimmering water above me. The light of its rays penetrated the darker depths below. It was beautiful. I was fading away fast. I would never make it to the surface anyway, so I remained in my place, mesmerized by the sun’s light. Eventually, the world around me came apart. The last thing to fade away was the sun.

That’s when it started, something somewhat like a video, a video of my life. I could see the film reel turning. The reel was full of all my memories, each single one, both the good and the bad. The film contained little good. It all seemed bad. I had done so many terrible things. I lied. I betrayed. I cheated. I stole. I hurt. I hurt so many.

I took so much for granted. There was so much I dismissed and ignored. I left so many alone. I never was thankful. I only complained. I could not see past myself. I regret it. I regret my entire existence. I had spent my whole life as a blind woman, someone incapable of seeing truth. It was as if my eyes weren't open completely, as if they were half-closed.

I could not believe all the damage I had caused. What had I done? My life had been a waste. And I never made up for any of it. I was a horrible person. I deserved no life, yet I had one. How had I had a life? Who gave me one?

The film paused. As if to answer question, it showed my last memory, the sun. Then, I understood where my life came from, not the sun, but the one Son. I never accepted Him. I never believed Him to be true, but at the moment I began to believe. Was it possible for Him to forgive me now?

Suddenly the film began to spin faster, growing more rapid with each passing second. Yet, it wasn't showing my past, but a future, my future. But wasn't I dead? I had to be beyond saving now; besides, I wasn't worth saving anyway.

Soon the film ended, and I was dragged out of blackness of unconsciousness. I felt awake. I felt alive. Someone saved me. I was thankful. It was an emotion I was not used to. Someone cared, and I was filled with a loving warmth. I was alive. I would again stand under the sun.

I could feel my rescuer beside me on the sand, but I did not open my eyes yet. I did have a future. The Son showed me that. I was going to make it better. I had a second chance. I take in a deep breath, one full of love and warmth and kindness. When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is the sun. I stand and thank my rescuer, and then I stare into the world with eyes open wide.

The author's comments:
I wrote this short story based off something that happened to me once. I choked and fainted. Those around me, though, were unaware of my dilemma. Soon, my father realized my situation and revived me. However, when your lungs can no longer breathe, when no oxygen is reaching your heart or brain, you see things. It is very much like "my life flashed before my eyes."

I saw everything I could remember, both good and bad. This story surrounds a similar situation.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 23 2014 at 5:14 pm
EmilytheBelleofA. DIAMOND, Athens, Georgia
81 articles 5 photos 1486 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love is to be vulnerable; Triumph is born out of struggle; We notice shadows most when they stand alone in the midst of overwhelming light.

This is really great. I love your work. Keep on, please. Thank you, for sharing this.