Dress Shopping Disaster | Teen Ink

Dress Shopping Disaster

November 5, 2008
By Anonymous

My schools homecoming dance is in a week, and with all the homework I’ve had in the past several weeks; I haven’t had time to go dress shopping. Every year I’ve had to deal with my mom’s decision of which dress I should buy, but this year I decided to go with my best friends Jackie and Kim. Their thoughts on what dress I should get should be more helpful than my mom’s!

“I can’t wait to tell help you find a dress Rach, with the help of Kim and I, your dress will be gorgeous,” Jackie said. “We need to check out the BIG department stores, their filled with all different style of dresses, I’m sure you’ll be able to find one,” Kim said. I couldn’t wait for this day to begin; finding a dress with my best friends should be very easy.

“Pink and blue are definitely the colors Rach looks best in,” Kim announced. “You’re totally wrong, pink is too bright and blue is way too ugly for a homecoming dress, get real Kim. I think Rach should get a white dress. Its different and she’s never worn white before,” replied Jackie. “Ew, are you kidding me, Suzie Baker got a white dress and she looks terrible. She is so pale in it that the dress blends in with her skin color; white is defiantly not an option for Rachel,” said Kim. This dress shopping has become a disaster already, I need to find a dress and get out of here.

“Maybe you should just go with a more simple color dress Rach… like black it will match with anything,” said Jackie. “Are you kidding me Jackie, everyone in the world gets black for their homecoming dress, it’s so boring, and it’s the dullest color EVER,” Kim replied. “I’m so sick of your negative remarks Kim, if you’re so good at picking out the right dress for people; then what color should Rachel get,” Jackie yelled. “I think Rachel should get colors that no one EVER has at homecoming… like purple, green, and even orange. Those colors are so rare… everyone will be amazed,” said Kim.

Are you kidding me? Those have to be the ugliest colors ever, maybe I should have just stuck to shopping with my mom; at least she picks out decent colors. “I can’t believe this is happening… We’ve already been to three stores and nothing has looked good,” Jackie said. “We should probably just give up.” “How could you be so rude Jackie? Rachel has looked good in every dress and she needs to get which one she likes the most… it’s not OUR decision,” replied Kim.

I couldn’t take the nonsense anymore. It was time for me to choose what I wanted to wear to the homecoming dance. Yes dresses are nice and fun to wear, but what’s the point of going to a dance where EVERYONE is wearing a dress. I think I’ll be better off wearing my favorite jeans and a T-shirt!

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