The Green Eyed Child | Teen Ink

The Green Eyed Child

November 11, 2013
By KatieMae2015 GOLD, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
KatieMae2015 GOLD, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have been starring at this old abandoned house since we moved to this stupid island. Why did we have to move...... Oh yeah! Like I have been told a million times by my stepfather, it's for the good of the family. Why me? I have no friends here, only my stepfather and my new step mother. Ugh, all she wants is my stepfather's money. I told him that, and I got grounded for a month. I didn't even want to go to the wedding, but my stepfather made me. My real mother would have never let me move to this hideous island. She loved me, unlike my stepfather who wouldn't even care enough to come search for me if I went on a little adventure. So one day I wanted to see if anybody lived in the creepy broken down house on top of the hill, so I did.

As I walked up the hill, I kept seeing something.... I wasn't sure what it was, something blue.... maybe a young figure, I just ignored it and kept walking up the rocky hill. When I approached the front porch I looked around to see misplaced floor boards and broken windows. I grabbed the old door knocker and knocked three times. No answer, so I grabbed the door knob and it wouldn't budge. As I was turning around to find another entrance a strange warm breeze swept over me and blew the door open. It opened with a slow, steady creak, and as soon as I was inside it slammed with a bang. I went back to see if the door would open again.... It was locked.
I wondered around the house to try to find another way out of the large mansion. That was when my mind started to wonder....why can't I get out? Why won't the doors open? Why can't I open a window? Why can't I climb through a broken window? Why did I choose to come here?

After my moment, I spotted the color blue again, but this time I chased after it hoping that I can find a way out. What I didn't know was the mansion was going to fight back. I don't know if I was going crazy but all of a sudden tables, beds and pictures started for revolve around me. I quickly ran into the next room, which happened to be the kitchen. Knives, pots and pans were soon approaching me, with no where to go I thought for sure I was going to die. Right before the first knife hit my beating heart. There was a creak in the floor boards, I looked over to see a little girl probably at the age of four with straight black hair and bright green eyes staring back at me. In one swift motion she screamed
"stop! This one is mine".
The house moaned and the knives dropped at my feet. As the knives, pots and pans dropped to the floor, she looked me in the eyes and said "Follow me." I had to trust her, after all she did save my life, but why was I hers? I followed her down the narrow staircase and into the dark dusty basement. As I made it to the last step, she stopped and turned towards me her green eyes staring into my soul.
" Why did you come here" she asked in a monotone voice. As she walked over to the corner and started to make a fire.
" I just wanted to see if anybody lived here."
" No! Why did you come to this island." I told her the whole story of my short sad life.
" Then you wouldn't care if I killed you." She replied as she stuck a black iron into the fire.
" No, No I want to live."
" Then let me tell you my story. My family moved to this island about fifteen years ago. My parents didn't like neighbors and like you thought it would be better for our large family to move away. That's when we decided one day to go visit the family that lived in this house.We quickly discovered the house didn't like visitors, it killed everyone in my family including me. But somehow I came back to life. Since then the house and I have became best friends. Right." She said as she petted one of the dusty slimy walls to the basement.
She walked back to the fire and pulled out the black rod she had stuck in there earlier. She quickly grabbed my arm turning it upside down pressed the hot metal into my skin. As I tried not to scream in fear of what she would do next. She released my arm and on it was a figure of a little person.
"This is too remind you how lucky you really are, now leave before I change my mind and kill you. By the way never come back and leave the island immediately."

I obeyed and ran half way down the hill when I ran into something warm and familiar. It was my stepfather who was outside looking for me, and beside him was my stepmother.

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