If only you knew | Teen Ink

If only you knew

November 21, 2013
By Skici BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Skici BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember a time when I was younger and I used to feel like nobody liked me as much as they liked my brother, because I was my grandma's pick to here them tell it. So one night my grandma left out for work and my uncle was watching us, but he kept being mean to me until I started crying. My uncle was about 18 back then, and into heavy metal and stuff like that. So he made me stand in the corner, until I started crying out more and louder. He became really angry and started hollering at me, telling me to "shut up" but I couldn't because my feelings were hurt. I wanted my grandma, she never hollered at us. My brother was sitting next to him on the couch just laughing at me, eating a bag of chips and watching cartoons. My uncle told me "since you can't stop crying, go down the basement with the monsters NOW!, and don't touch the light". I screamed, my eyes filled with big tears and I kept crying. I was afraid of the basement because it had a scary look. He got frustrated with me and twisted my arm to yoke me up and push me up the steps by my wrist, telling me " go to bed." I went to bed alright, I waited until they were heavily asleep. (See my brother took medicine then, because he was too hyper.) But any how, when I saw that they were asleep, I crept down the steps and climbed on top of the stove to reach the cabinets. That's where they kept the pill bottle, because we knew how to open it. I opened it up and twisted the top off, quickly shoving two down my throat. It was a hard dry gulp going down, so on my way back up the steps I stopped in the bathroom to drink from the faucet. It wasn't a hour later before it started to make me feel funny inside. My stomach ached and kept twisting, and I kept wanting to spit up, unable to just lay there. So I crawled out of bed and knocked on my grandma's door, where my sleeping pop pop was. I shook him and started crying and he jumped up, quickly retrieving the phone to call my grandma. It took her 15 minutes to get there, I had spit up twice upon the wait. She was furious and started swearing at me, because she left work early. She asked "what happened? " I told her "my brother forced medicine down my throat while I was sleep." Her face twisted up tight. She rushed me to the hospital where I was checked out, but she was still mad walking around in circles. That's when my uncle and brother came in the room, and she started whooping him and I felt bad and ashamed. My uncle tried to speak but she told him "shut up, you let this happen". My brother kept saying "he's lying, I hate him" and I started crying as I confessed." My uncle was being mean and picking favorites so I thought if I were sick he'd care about me, like he care about him" I told her... That night we both got beatings. Me for lying and touching the pills. My brother for saying he hate me and my uncle got smacked on for being a bad babysitter. But he never watched me again, well not alone, and I learned they care about me too, even if she can't be there all the time. She still loves us both the same.

The author's comments:
I hope that people realize that sometimes you have an person in your life that truly loves you but has an weird way of showing it...

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