Little Guy | Teen Ink

Little Guy

October 20, 2008
By Anonymous

Dear Little Guy,
Before i could see you I knew that you were going to be a handsome little man,I mean come on look at who your daddy is. I knew that I was going to love you and do anything for you. When you were still in mommy's tummy you would spend all night kicking me and making sure that i was paying attention to you. When you were between two and five months old I had you every day while mommy went out and did whatever she wanted to, but I didn't care because I had you. After all of these months you haven't changed at all, you still want all my attention all of the time. I am sorry that I didn't try harder to make things between me and your mother work, but I've tried really hard, but sometimes I think that I could have tried a little bit harder. I just couldn't take the lies anymore. I love you with all my heart and I always will until the day I die.


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