A Thousand Words | Teen Ink

A Thousand Words

October 21, 2013
By langgg_ PLATINUM, Columbia, Maryland
langgg_ PLATINUM, Columbia, Maryland
35 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift- Steve Prefontaine

She loved going to that field for two reasons. One, she was absolutely, completely alone and two, it made her feel free at last, like she could be in two different pieces but yet still together. As she stood among the overgrown grass with flowers popping up occasionally and with the sun gazing over her, darkening her pale skin, she realized that in order to be completely together, you must first come apart. You have to open yourself up to yourself and stop living in denial of your mistakes. You will never have your life pieced together if you do not let yourself grasp those difficult pieces and function with them. They are a part of you, so let them be. She thought about this for a long while feeling completely different than she had when she arrived. She knew she would soon put what she had just realized in the back of her head and not attend to it because it was difficult and not the normal way of life. Therefore, she made a permanent mental note to return every other week to this field so she could keep her self together after coming apart.

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