Zombie Apocalypse | Teen Ink

Zombie Apocalypse

October 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Zombie Apocalypse

If there was a zombie apocalypse the first thing I would do is call family and friends and neighbors and have them come to my house. Then after that I would go to a Wal-Mart or a store with guns and stock up on food, weapons, drinks, etc. Then after that I would cover windows, doors, and make barriers around the house to by time from the zombies. After that I would make a door that goes to the roof of my house from my living room then put barriers around the roof. Then I’d put people that are good with rifles on the roof, probably like 4 to 6 on each side of the house. Then I’d put 8 people inside where the door is to the roof just in case the zombies are on the roof and to check on the people sniping every once in a while and have them give them food to and water. After that I’d have the women and children hide and give them guns and stuff. Then have old people throw grenades off the roof. Then go to a gas station and get gas and run over zombies. So that’s what I’d do if there was a zombie apocalypse I’d save as many people as I can.

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on Sep. 28 2011 at 9:05 am
mr.awesome15120 SILVER, Levering, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 13 comments

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dont get mad get even

I would do the same thing man. i sort of hope a zombie apocalype happens. but then again i dont because there might be a chance that one of my friends might turn into a zombie and that would be hard to kill him.