The Mysterious Book | Teen Ink

The Mysterious Book

September 24, 2008
By Anonymous

In the town of Thornopolis, Krystal, a tall slim girl with shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, and fair tanned skin, walked into the public library, looking for something to read. After wandering endlessly through all the shelves, she came across an intriguing book on the last shelf in the back.
“Escaping Death” Krystal read to herself. She opened the book, read the first page, and walked to the counter, book in hand.
“May I check this out Mr.Linden?” Krystal asked the creepy librarian.
Mr.Linden looked at the book with his nearly black eyes and said, “Yes, but be warned, all the people that have checked this book out never return, not even to return the book itself, but some how the book always returns.”
Krystal just stood there thinking Mr.Linden was just crazy from spending all his time in a library that had more books than the number of people in the town itself.
“You have been warned; if you wish to read this book, prepare to receive an ill seeded fate.” Mr.Linden said handing the book to Krystal.
“Ok, thanks.” Krystal said, still thinking he was crazy.
Krystal took the book and walked outside into the setting sun. She turned and walked toward the direction of her home, walking in the same direction until she turned left on to her street 5 blocks away, and went inside her house.
Once inside the house, Krystal went up to her room and stared at the book for an extremely long moment. Before Krystal opened the book, she took what Mr.Linden had said about the book into consideration. Mr.Linden had said something about people who checked out the book never returned. What was that supposed to mean? She was going to die if she read it? What ever his point was, she didn’t care, she was going to read the book anyway. With all her thoughts set aside, Krystal opened the book and began reading.
The book started out kind of strange, but as she got more into it, Krystal noticed she couldn’t stop reading no matter how bad she wanted to. The book was about a plant shocking people to their death. As strange as the plot was, Krystal just couldn’t stop reading. She started to wonder why, to the point it scared her. At one point Krystal noticed something green hanging out of her book, and she turned to the page. Her eyes widened in shock, she dropped the book, and that was the end of Krystal.
In the morning Krystal’s parents found her, and they called the Thornopolis Police. The police clarified Krystal had died from shock. The book had succeeded yet again, it had killed one more of to many, and no one knew how many more would die in the future.

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