A Man's best friend | Teen Ink

A Man's best friend

September 24, 2008
By Anonymous

One day a guy had a dog that could talk. At first he abhor that dog and then he used it like in advocate. So the man named mark had the dog do every thing for him and so the dog was getting mad and wanted to live.

So one day the dog lifted to go off and live on his own and do things he wanted to do. So a couple of months went by and the dog began to feel sad because he had lifted mark the owner with out saying goodbye.

The dog had not even eaten an four days “it felt like years the dog thought”. The dog was begging to miss the old guy mark. So the dog went back home and mark was really happy and did’ it make him do things as much. That’s how the dog and the guy made up and became the man’s best friend.

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This article has 1 comment.

emily said...
on Oct. 2 2008 at 1:41 am
I think this kid/teen used good words. I gave him a 5! i really liked it!