I Never Was Into Relationships | Teen Ink

I Never Was Into Relationships

June 19, 2013
By Writers_Soul SILVER, Lake, Michigan
Writers_Soul SILVER, Lake, Michigan
7 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are so many that I can't choose one :P

Sometimes it's easier to never have loved at all than to have lost. Losing the only thing that made me human was harder than pretending I wasn't alive in the first place.

Modern culture has forever been obsessed with the look of a couple holding hands, leaving darkness nowhere to hide. Not that it mattered. Darkness was already too busy consuming their souls, they just hadn't noticed yet.

The average relationship lasts about two maybe three months. Sadly that's a big accomplishment for most people. Keeping a pet dog is easy, why isn't keeping a spouse? That's right, they don't obey your every command, but at least they don't pee on the carpet.

I never was into relationships, not until I met you. Chocolate eyes were always a turn on. I remember the first time I saw you, three isles away, standing there by the clearance rack, looking like pure perfection. Your skin hadn't one blemish, but there was a crack where your heart should be. I remember walking over to you, taking every bit of you in with my eyes.

We walked up to the counter together, you didn't say much, just looked at me with that painted on expression. I didn't mind, I knew we looked great together, my bright colored clothes, with the dark tone of yours.

I let you come to my house that night. That night I didn't know how temporary this would be, not until you melted in my hands like putty the moment I tried to hold you. I knew then it would never last.

I miss you chocolate bunny. You were the best candy a girl could ask for. Relationships were never my thing but ours was one I will always remember, or at least until next Easter.

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