Late Night Speculation | Teen Ink

Late Night Speculation

June 17, 2013
By SuperheroNamedScar SILVER, Savannh, Georgia
SuperheroNamedScar SILVER, Savannh, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the Grim Reaper.

It’s not a big change to everyone. It doesn’t shake the core of the Earth or make you question everything you know, but it’s still a change. Most people don’t understand why I do what I do and most of the time I don’t either, but that’s the point. Don’t live a life where you have to know what you do when you do it. Live a life where every moment is a memory worth saving just because. Life isn’t meant to be remembered; it’s meant to be lived.

The days pass slowly and the people walk quickly. It’s not beautiful, sweet or important, but it’s where I am right now. It’s where I might get a hideous disease or die. Maybe I’ll get married and have kids. But maybe, just maybe, I’ll love it anyways.

Type what isn't necessary; type what isn't important. Write like the sun will go out tomorrow, but don’t forget to live like you’ll be here anyways. Capture the colors, the feelings, the joy and the pain. It doesn't matter if it matters to everyone because everyone isn't you.

“Why,” she asked. “Why what?” Her eyes lowered and the grim look etched farther into her face. “Why does it matter? Tomorrow no one will remember because it doesn't matter. I don’t want this to matter; I want it to make me feel.”

Call it what you want; I’ll call it what I need. The words don’t flow easily because everyone sees. The dark doesn't hinder, it aides. They don’t need to see, not tomorrow and not today. Sounds flow like water; they project both silver and marks. They shine like eyes in love and morph like stars in the night.

I like a rhythm that doesn't swoosh with everyone. It shifts and morphs to the person’s identity. I like the songs that don’t sing one tune; they sing them all. They project the thoughts that are rejected because one doesn't hear at all. The art that makes you wonder, rather than protest, is the art that matters much more than all the rest. We don’t need to titter over the rare; we fight over every day.

The author's comments:
These are just some random midnight musings. The only connection they have is that I wrote them all at one time.

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