Love Letter | Teen Ink

Love Letter

September 17, 2008
By Anonymous

I haven't met you yet. But I listen to this song, and the way it makes me feel - it makes me know you, and hope that I will meet you one day. Because it is the feeling of being in love and I know that it's ridiculous to feel this from listening to a song, but...

Who are you, where are you, and why is it taking so long? I don't even see you on the horizon, but one day, there you will be, no questions need answering and forever will look in front of us, something, days, weeks, years, all with this feeling at the bottom of it. Chills going through my stomach and the biggest, stupidest smile on my face reflected back to me on your face. Because...

I am still a 13-year-old girl wanting to spend forever with that boy, the one who says impossible things that I believe. God, I'm an a**hole, I've got that grin on my face just thinking about it. I won't do anything to charm you, and when I charm you anyways you won't point it out in a way that makes me feel self-conscious, makes me start performing for you. And I won't think you're a sissy or annoyingly clingy because you love me, and send me love letters. I won't have to supress the urge to laugh at you because... Because I'll believe you.
And it can't be true, and I'll never meet you and this letter is impossibly mortifying, I can't believe anyone but me is going to see it, still... I can't wait. And I miss you. And...

I love you.

Please forgive my imperfect expression of all this.


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