True Identity | Teen Ink

True Identity

May 4, 2013
By ewel1361 BRONZE, Downers Grove, Illinois
ewel1361 BRONZE, Downers Grove, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The wind whips through my hair. Opposite me and across a moat is a castle of which an armored knight stands in the gateway. The drawbridge lies flat.

“Hello!” I call out, “Who are you?”
But he makes no reply, standing cold and strong.

The sun glints off his armor and into my eyes, “Please”, I call, “I want to know you”.

But he makes no reply, his statue-like visage never changing.

There could be anyone underneath the armor. Perhaps he truly is a knight in shining armor, or perhaps only a squire in a knight’s vestments.

So I beg, “Please let me see you!”

But he makes no reply.

I take a step towards his fortress, and, as I set my foot down, the drawbridge snaps shut, locking me out of the kingdom.

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