Two Gleaming Eyes | Teen Ink

Two Gleaming Eyes

March 15, 2013
By AllisonKH GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AllisonKH GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Two Gleaming Eyes

They are the only one who sees me. I am the only one who understands.Two gleaming eyes with deep blue inside and happiness outside.Two among a million around. Two bright lights there for me. From a mile away, I can see them, but only I can understand the truth.

There strength is inspiring. They open up wide, glowing deep. They look up and they look down and grab the attention between every color, and kiss the soul with cherished lips and never let go. This is how they love.

Let one forget the beauty inside, they’d all disappear like the sun in the sky, each smile loose appreciation. Stay, stay, stay, eyes when i’m awake. They help.

When I weap and I am sad to smile, when I feel down among the dead, then it is I look at the eyes. When there is nothing left to watch all around. Two who gleam among sadness. Two who smile and never forget to. Two whose meaning is open and strong.

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